OCTO Webinar: MPA Financing: What We Know and the Launch of a New Global MPA Finance Survey – 11 and 13/14 February 2025, online

Presented by: Christopher Stone and Jennifer Liu of Blue Nature Alliance and John Bohorquez of Blue Economy Solutions Lab and the Conservation Finance Alliance

Dates/times: This presentation will be given at two different dates/times. The webinars have different registration links, so please select the date/time best for your needs.

Webinar 1: Tuesday, February 11, 8 am US EST/5 am US PST/1 pm UTC/2 CET/4 pm EAT (Nairobi – East Africa)/6:30 pm IST (Mumbai)/8 pm ICT (Bangkok, Thailand)/8 pm WIB (Jakarta)

Webinar 2: Thursday, February 13, 8 pm US EST/5 pm US PST

Friday, February 14, 1 am UTC/8 am ICT (Bangkok, Thailand)/8 am WIB (Jakarta, Indonesia)/9 am PHST (Manila, Philippines)/9 am MYT (Kuala Lampur, Malaysia)/9 am Australian WST (Perth, Australia)/Noon Australian EDT (Sydney, Australia)/1 pm FJT (Fiji)/2 pm NZDT (Auckland, New Zealand)

Description: As countries look to implement their 30×30 ambitions, developing MPA finance plans can be essential to an MPA’s success. However, this process can be challenging and costly due to knowledge and capacity constraints. To assist countries and practitioners across the globe in MPA financial planning, the Blue Nature Alliance in partnership with the Conservation Finance Alliance and IUCN WCPA Sustainable Finance Specialist Group is launching a Global MPA Finance Survey. This in-depth analysis of MPA finances globally will expand knowledge and access to tools for MPA finance. The data collected in this survey will be used to develop an MPA cost model and other tools that will be shared publicly. Participating sites will receive early access to tools, as well as customized benchmark reports that will allow you to compare your MPA’s financial performance to an anonymous group of peers. The target audience of this initiative is MPA practitioners, government leaders, NGOs and civil society, conservation trust funds, and others who are involved in the financial planning for MPAs or can share this survey with a broader network of MPAs. This webinar will include educational components and a tutorial on the survey. The educational portion will highlight why this global analysis of MPA finances is needed, including the current landscape of marine financing tools and data. The tutorial will walk webinar participants through the questions and data the survey will collect and address any questions participants have. If helpful, webinar participants are encouraged to fill out the survey along with the webinar tutorial. All practitioners involved in financial planning for MPAs are encouraged to access the survey here.

Hosted by: OCTO

Register: This presentation will be given at two different dates/times. The webinars have different registration links, so please select the date/time best for your needs.

Register here for WEBINAR 1, and for WEBINAR 2, register here.

via OCTO
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