The Station Biologique de Roscoff (SBR) is a world-class center for research and higher education in marine biology and ecology jointly run by the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Sorbonne Université (Paris). Since 1872, the Roscoff Biological Station has set its focus on basic biology — with the study of original evolutionary lineages — and marine biodiversity and ecosystems. Research in these fields draws on the latest cutting-edge methods in molecular and cell biology, in particular genomics and its derivatives, and interfaces them with environmental sciences, chemistry and mathematics.
Research goals include a deeper understanding of the evolution of life, as well as ecosystem functioning and adaptation of marine organisms in response to global change. To meet societal demands in the field of ecological development and harvesting of marine biological resources, research activities at the SBR also target the development of bioactive compounds for plant, animal or human nutrition and health, as well as the selection of cultivated species, bio-remediation, blue chemistry and environmental impact studies. Through its infrastructures, such as EMBRC and EMBRC-France, the Roscoff Biological Station offers a rich panel of services and core facilities (e.g., imaging, genomics, phenotyping, bioinformatics, metabolomics, marine organisms culture facilities, and one of the largest microalgae culture collection in the world) that are open to the national and international scientific community and to the private sector.
First-class academic courses are taught at the Roscoff Biological Station, as part of the international IMBRSEA master and of three other masters (Integrative Biology & Physiology; Molecular and Cell Biology; Marine Sciences), and through innovative degree programmes (a bachelor’s degree in Biology and Mathematics), vocational training programmes (professional degree in Food Safety) and programmes with a strong biotechnology component (Master’s major in Marine Biotechnologies and Bioresources).
The environment
Located in Roscoff (Finistère), on the northern coast of Brittany, the Roscoff Biological Station hosts some of the best French teams in marine biology and ecology and is renowned worldwide in marine sciences. Through its close ties with the other two marine stations run by Sorbonne Université and with its main campus in Paris, as well as with the CNRS, the SBR benefits from the most recent advances in biology, ecology, mathematics, informatics, chemistry, engineering and physics, making it stimulating and highly interactive. Through its unique setting,on the edge of a shallow sea with strong tides, the SBR offers an exceptional variety of biotopes, accessible at low tide for the most part, host to a great diversity of marine animal (3,000) and algal species (700).
Mission as the future Institute Director
The future Director will be in charge from January 2025 for 5 years minimum (renewable). His/her role will be to lead and ensure the functioning of the FR2424/Faculty General Service of the “Roscoff Biological Station” and of its mini-campus. This includes supervision of common services and platforms, and of about 100 technical staff members (ITAs).
He/she will do so in the framework of the national infrastructure EMBRC-Fr, while maintaining and fostering tight interactions with the Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers (OSU) STAMAR. He/she will define an ambitious strategy for the development of the SBR’s facilities and human resources to promote scientific animation and collaborative science within the SBR, as well as internal communication and cohesion, and to expand the institute’s local, national and international visibility. He/she will also be responsible for coordinating the station’s activities in terms of (1) initial and life-long education and dissemination of knowledge, (2) outreach to the greater public, (3) relationships with local authorities, institutional partners and local industry, and (4) reception, accommodation, management and maintenance of the “Station Biologique de Roscoff” mini-campus.
Expected profile
We are seeking a highly motivated and prominent scientist, with experience in marine biology and/or ecology, and with excellent organisation skills and a strong managerial experience. The candidate should be willing to support and promote the development of research along the biology/marine ecology continuum, from molecular mechanisms of life to ecosystem functioning, and of interdisciplinary research.
He/she should have a strong knowledge of the European and international research and higher education ecosystem and its challenges in the field of marine sciences. He/she should also have a deep understanding of the institutional agencies and bodies governing research in France (i.e., CNRS, Universities, ANR, Foundations).
The candidate should have an inspirational and dynamic personality, and a strong sense of dedication to the community. He/she should have a good capacity to ensure a representation role towards the diversified partners of the SBR (academic, territorial and industrial).
Please send your CV and motivation letter before February 29 2024 to both and For further information please contact the same email addresses.
Candidates should contact the SBR director, Catherine Boyen (, as well as Agnès Mignot (CNRS, and Philippe Agard (Sorbonne Université,, and schedule a presentation of their project to the station, ideally before the above deadline.