IUCN WCPA Climate Change Specialist Group is launching a new Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation Planning Tool (CC-RAPT) for MPAs and Marine OECMs. CC-RAPT is designed to support MPAs in considering climate change as they work to improve their immediate and ongoing management by informing and building upon existing management tools and climate change resources. It aims to help MPA programs improve management and governance in relation to climate change impacts on marine biodiversity and the cultural, social, and economic benefits that marine biodiversity provides. This new tool will be launched at a side event for the Our Ocean Conference, which is being held in Panama later this week.

If you have any questions about the tool, or would like to use it in your MPA, please get in touch with Jillian Neuberger at Jillian.Neuberger@noaa.gov.

via IUCN
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