This GMMIP international meeting will focus on new progress in GMMIP activity, monsoon modelling and research, will address new results of assessment of monsoon modelling, variability, attribution, predictability and projection, especially from the CMIP6 experiments, and will make plans of modelling and analysis in the next two years in support of the IPCC AR6.

The three-day meeting will include oral and poster sessions on:
+ Assessment of monsoon-related circulation and precipitation, including climatology, variability and long-term trends in CMIP6/GMMIP experiments and observations.
+ Mechanisms controlling the monsoon variability and long-term trends since the end of the 19th century based on new model results and observations, to clarify the effects of internal variability, natural and anthropogenic forcings.
+ Sources of monsoon predictability from seasonal to decadal time scales, and model improvement in predicting monsoons, including extreme events.


If you plan to attend the conference, please also see:
+ Oral and Poster Abstract Submission
Abstract submission deadline is extended to September 30, 2019. NO registration fee is required.
+ Hotel Information

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