Assistant Professor in Aquatic Geochemistry

at the Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES). Closing date: January 10, 2017.

The Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES) has ~200 employees organized in five units. This position is placed in the Biogeochemistry Unit, where research revolves around the major biogeochemical cycles. We combine field studies, earth system modelling, and advanced analytical methods including compound specific isotope analysis to study relevant processes in water, air and terrestrial ecosystems, and how these are impacted by human activities. The unit also has an accredited laboratory for water chemistry (e.g. nutrients, organic carbon, trace metals and mercury). ACES is embedded in a larger research environment at Stockholm University that includes the geochemistry group in the Department of Geological Sciences, the Bolin Centre for Climate Research, and the Baltic Sea Centre.

Subject description
Aquatic geochemistry in this context is the study of the cycling of biogeochemically-active elements in aquatic ecosystems.

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