Faculty Position at scripps Institution of Oceanography,
UCSD, California
Biological Oceanography/Marine Ecology
Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at the University of California San Diego (http://scripps.ucsd.edu) invites faculty applications for the position listed below. We seek a motivated, broad-thinking scientist-educator to establish a vigorous research program and provide intellectual leadership in their field while complementing existing expertise at Scripps and other UCSD departments. SIO is a world renowned center of marine research with approximately 200 principal investigators leading research programs on all aspects of earth, ocean, biological and atmospheric sciences. We are committed to academic excellence and diversity within the faculty, staff, and student body. The department is interested in candidates who have demonstrated commitment to excellence by providing leadership in teaching, research, and service towards building an equitable and diverse scholarly environment.
Biological Oceanography/Marine Ecology: We seek an outstanding candidate with interests in marine ecosystem, population, or organismal response to global change, with strong preference for a sea-going scientist. Research areas of interest could include but are not limited to experimental pelagic ecology, pelagic or benthic deep-sea biology, population and evolutionary genetics, fisheries oceanography, biogeochemistry, or marine physiology and biochemistry. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to interact with large scale interdisciplinary SIO field research programs, including the California Current Ecosystem-LTER, the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI), and others. The candidate will develop a vigorous extramurally-supported research program, be committed to active teaching and mentoring of graduate students, and will teach in the new marine biology undergraduate major.
The position requires a PhD or equivalent degree in a relevant field, a competitive record of publication and service, as well as evidence of ability or strong potential to secure extramural funding and conduct an active research program. Our strong preference is for hiring at the level of Assistant Professor, but appointments at the Associate level will be considered. Rank, level of appointment (Assistant, Associate, Acting Associate) and salary will be consistent with the applicant’s qualifications and experience and with University of California pay scales.
For full consideration, please apply by the 11/20/16 deadline.
Assistant Professor at: http://apptrkr.com/898147
Associate/Full Professor at: http://apptrkr.com/899568
(Current Assistant level candidates with a strong record of research and teaching are encouraged to submit materials through both links.)
The University of California San Diego is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For applicants with interest in spousal/partner employment, please also see http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/aps/partneropp/index.html for the UCSD Partner Opportunities Program.
Job location: San Diego, CA
Curriculum Vitae – Your most recently updated C.V.
Cover Letter
Statement of Research – Please provide an overview of research interests highlighting past achievements, current activities and future directions.
Statement of Teaching
Statement of Contributions to diversity – Applicants should summarize their past or potential contributions to diversity. See our http://facultyexcellence.ucsd.edu/c2d/index.html site for more information.
Misc / Additional (Optional)
References3 references required (contact information only)