The Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR) will assist local and national governments, academic and research institutions, as well as international organizations and donors, in making informed decisions, e.g. on future research investment. In brief, the GOSR will inform of where the science capacity exists to address present marine environmental challenges. The 2nd Session of the GOSR Editorial Board met in Seoul, Republic of Korea (funded by the Rep of Korea) between 25-27 October 2016 to review progress. The IOC/IODE Secretariat participated as it was given the responsibility for coordinating input for Chapter 6 on Data and Information Management. Extensive input was already collected through an online survey addressed to the IODE community in June 2016. In addition content is being prepared b a few eminent experts from the IODE community. In addition IOC/IODE has been invited to host and develop a repository of all materials that will be used to prepare the first version of the GOSR,
to be launched in June 2017.
Full article and photo on IODE homepage: