2016). To this aim, eleven expressions of interested supervisors from several IEO Oceanographic Centres are briefly described in order to get in contact with the potential candidates. Nevertheless, proponents who may want to get in contact with us in order to find a suitable supervisor for their proposal at IEO can get in contact with me andrea.piehl@md.ieo.es It is highly recommended to get as soon as possible in order to count with enough time to prepare the proposal. The objective of this European call is to enhance the creative and
innovative potential of experienced researchers by providing them with opportunities to work on research in a European context or outside Europe. Besides, this scheme supports the return and reintegration of researchers from outside Europe who have previously worked here. It also develops or helps to restart the careers of individual researchers that show great potential, considering their experience. The types of Individual Fellowships (IF) and eligibility conditions for researchers are described here.
The MSCA IF 2015 call deadline is on next 14 September 2016, see more details here.
Expressions of interest at IEO:
1.Centro Oceanográfico de Murcia. Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
Contact: Fernando de la Gándara. Email:
The bluefin tuna is an emblematic species which is feeding the human populations, for centuries. In the last decade, the activity called “fattening”, have been submitted the wild populations to a severe overfishing. For guarantee the market supply, only the production of this species at industrial level by means of integral aquaculture techniques can lead the natural populations to the original structure of hundred years ago, without renouncing to consume its meat in the quantity and quality required by a growing and selective market. To do that, the Murcia Oceanographic Centre (IEO) is developing the production techniques for bluefin tuna juveniles for one decade ….
2.Centro Oceanográfico de Gijón/Xixón. Instituto Español de Oceanografía .Contact: Mikel Latasa
Email: latasaSPAMFILTER@gi.ieo.es
The research group that will host the Marie Curie researcher is GIDEP.
GIDEP recently initiated a time series to quantify the deep vertical flux of particulate matter in the open ocean, in the framework of the structural project Radiales 2016-2020. The aim of this research is to
quantify and relate the dynamics of the export fluxes of organic matter with the composition of the plankton in the surface layers and associated hydrographic processes. This study will contribute to gain knowledge on mechanisms that affect the efficiency of the biological pump…More info:
3.Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias. Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
Contact: Eduardo Almansa. Email: eduardo.almansaSPAMFILTER@ca.ieo.es
The main objective of the Aquaculture Department is to investigate the comercial culture technologies of different species of fish, molluscs and algae, and has several Experimental Culture Facilities and
laboratories fully equipped allowing the development of studies on a wide range of fields related to aquaculture. The IEO has been involved in development of aquaculture production methods for many
years. Main research areas include (1) rearing protocols for new species for aquaculture such as cephalopods, sparids, carangids, flatfish (2) reproductive performance and hysiology, (3) hatchery rearing techniques, (4) weaning and grow out in tanks and cages, (5) nutritional requirements, especially lipids and carotenoids of
cultured marine species, (6) health and welfare, immune system and vaccine development, (7) geneticanalysis for selective breeding of aquaculture stocks…More info:
4.Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga. Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
Contact: Jesús M. Mercado Email: Jesus.mercadoSPAMFILTER@ma.ieo.es
The project will address on the role of the biotic interactions whithin the plankton compared with the abiotic factors in forming the plankton communities of the Alboran Sea. For this proposal, molecular taxonomy techniques based on amplification of RNA ribosomal 16S and 18S will be applied to samples of different fractions o plankton (from bacterioplankton to meso-zooplancton). The samples will be collected during different oceanographic research surveys that will be carried out in the northern sector of the Alboran Sea. As a result of these analyses, multiple operational taxonomic units (OTUs) will be identified and used to research the most common association patterns among the communities. The co-currence patterns obtained with
molecular techniques will be compared to the ones obtained from morphologic taxonomy analyses and consequently the potential utility of the metabarcoding in develping monitoring programmes will be
evaluated…More info:
5.Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz. Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
Contact: Marcos Llope. Email: marcos.llopeSPAMFILTER@cd.ieo.es
We are looking for a candidate interestedin the development of an ecosystem based management (EBM) to the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC).The methodological approach can be as broad as the field, as long as it considers that humans are integral components of the ecosystem that interact with all components in diverse ways and allows us to assess these interactions. The type of modeling to be used will depend on the skills of the candidate and can range from conceptual models (fuzzy cognitive mapping) to empirical (time series, GAMs), mass balanced (Ecopath with Ecosym) or any other suitable to evaluate human/ecosystem interactions…More info:
6.Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga. Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
Contact: Juan Tomás Vázquez Garrido. Email:
Analysis of seafloor morphology, modern geological processes and their evolution long the Quaternary on continental margins and ocean basins: tectonics, seepage and fluid venting, seafloor instabilities, mass
flow and bottom current dynamics. This characterization will be realized by the interpretation of geophysics, mainly acoustics, and GIS techniques. The basic objectives are the definition and classification of main geological processes along the study area, as well as the assessment of regional marine geohazards, include slides and tsunami triggering. The possible areas of study would be the Alboran Sea, the Gulf of Cadiz Margin and the Canary Basin More info:
7.Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo. Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Ana
Ramos Martos. Email: ana.ramosSPAMFILTER@vi.ieo.es
This project have as main objective the conservation of marine biodiversity and benthic habitats in African coasts, particularly in offshore waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. This goal will be reachedthrough the reliable identification of species, and the characterization of benthic assemblages and environmental conditions responsible for its distribution and composition. The project is based in the impressive amount of environmental and biodiversity data, and the comprehensive collections of benthic African fauna taken in the
framework of EcoAfrik Project during 24 researchsurveys carried out between 2002 and 2012 on-board Spanish and Norwegian R/V Vizconde de Eza and Dr. Fridtjof Nansen.
8.Centro Oceanográfico de Murcia. Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
Contact: Victor León
Email: victor.leonSPAMFILTER@mu.ieo.es
The project entitled ‘IMPACT OF EMERGING CONTAMINANTS AND MICROPLASTICS ON MARINE ORGANISMS: BIOACCUMULATION AND BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS’ aims to characterize the impact of emerging contaminants EmC) and MPs on marine organisms, characterizing their distribution and
interactions in the marine environment, and to evaluate the biological effects that they can provoke on marine invertebrates (sublethal embryotoxicity tests, endocrine disruption, biomarkers of neurotoxicity and oxidative stress and physiological responses).Sensitive analytical methods will be validated for EmC (plastics additives, personal care products, current used pesticides, etc) in seawater, sediment, microplastics and biota . In addition, the concentration of trace metals and organic pollutants associated to MPs is being characterized. Biological effects of MPs and EmC will be evaluated in natural specimens and at controlled exposition conditions using adult and larval organisms, applying embryo and larval toxicity tests, hysiological, anatomic abnormalities and biochemical responses…More info:
9.Centro Oceanográfico Baleares. Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
Contact: Salud Deudero
Email: salud.deuderoSPAMFILTER@ba.ieo.es
We are seeking for postdocs aiming to assess impacts and effects of marine litter on marine ecosystems. Several research lines will be addressed:
-Ecological studies on impacts of marine litter on marine biota
-Assessment of transfer and accumulation of plastics on marine food webs
– Evaluate microplastic ingestion on commercial fish species
-Physiological responses of biota to microplastics ingestions
-Development of tools for microplastic polymers characterisation, quantification in biota and environment
-Advances in defining indicators associated with microplastic effects on marine ecosystems
More info: http://eshorizonte2020.es/expressions-of-interests/salud-deudero
10. Centro Oceanográfico Coruña. Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
Contact: Antonio Bode Email: antonio.bodeSPAMFILTER@co.ieo.es
Based on a long experience, the IEO Plankton Ecology and Biogeochemistry research group offers the opportunity to develop novel applications of advanced techniques in the analysis of pelagic food
webs, including target exploited species. Applications of determinations of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in specific compounds (as amino acids) and the use of genomic markers in the identification of diets are particularly welcome. The candidates will integrate in a multidisciplinary group, composed by 4 full time
researchers and 10 laboratory technicians. The analytical facilities available include genomics, chemistry (inorganic and organic), optical microscopy and radioactive laboratories, as well as priority access to
the stable isotope laboratory in the University of A Coruña. Sampling facilities includes one coastal ship and access to the Spanish oceanographic and fisheries research fleet. The group maintains several oceanographic time series on coastal and oceanic domains since the 1990’s…More info:
11. Centro Oceanográfico de Murcia. Instituto Español de
Oceanografía. Contact: Dr. Jose Mª Bellido Email:
Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a public process of analyzing and allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities in marine areas to achieve ecological, economic, and social objectives
through a political process http://www.unesco-ioc-marinesp.be/marine_spatial_planning_msp.Characteristics of MSP include ecosystem-based, area-based, integrated, adaptive, strategic and participatory. MSP is not only conservation planning, it seeks to
balance economic development and conservation, and not focus on only on the goals of conservation or protection. The implementation of a MSP to fisheries management requires the understanding of marine
biological processes at a spatial scale. However, quantifying the ecological importance is challenging task because of the inherent constrains of sampling at sea. Spatio-temporal modeling has recently been recognized as useful tools for this task. This project will apply advanced statistical tools to a number of different fishery-dependent and fishery independent data sets…More Info: