Call for Session Proposals

The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Symposium, “Southern Ocean in a Changing World”, will consist of plenary presentations, parallel sessions and workshops. The organising Committee invites proposals for sessions for the Symposium topics below. Proposals for sessions incorporating short talks and posters, panel discussions and/or workshops are welcome. The symposium themes are outlined below.

  • Circumpolar observations and programmes: Circumpolar and global observing programmes ensure a sustained delivery of observations and data across a core set of variables, using prescribed platforms, methods and standards across all steps of the observational pathway. This topic will showcase these programmes, their observational coverage, data and data delivery, and how they feed into policy and societal challenges as well as new and upcoming plans, technology and data systems for these programmes.
  • Regional observations and programmes: Regionally-focused observations and programmes generate knowledge through high sampling resolution and interdisciplinarity, and provide important contributions to local, regional and circumpolar understanding. This topic invites contributions from regional observational and data programmes across all Southern Ocean sectors and disciplines to share science and connect regional programmes, with the specific aim of promoting discussions across regions.
  • Data systems: Innovations in data systems, data integration and standardisation underline all aspects of SOOS data delivery. This topic will include presentations and workshops on data approaches and products arising from Southern Ocean observations.
  • New observing technology and systems in Southern Ocean observations: New methods, approaches and technology are needed to drive a step change in coordinated Southern Ocean science. This topic seeks to explore the difficult questions of how new technologies can be leveraged to improve data collection and coverage, science outcomes and coordination, and integration with emerging cyberinfrastructure.

Submitting session proposals

Session proposals should include the following information:

  • Session title
  • Session description (around 150-300 words)
  • Symposium topic this session should be grouped under (see above)
  • Name, affiliation, country, career stage and email address of at least one lead convenor
  • Name, affiliation, country, career stage and email address of other suggested convenors (it is strongly encouraged that there is diversity across geography, gender and career stage in session leads and convenors)
  • If possible, provide an estimate of how many abstracts you would anticipate being submitted to this session

Session proposals to be submitted to by the 31st of October 2022.

via IMAS
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