Susan Brawley is a marine ecologist at the School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine and is known for her research on algae, especially algal reproduction.  Brawley’s early research examined the biology of the brown algae Fucus and macroalgal reproductive ecology, and the role of grazers in determining community structure on coral reefs.  In the rocky intertidal zone, Brawley has modeled fertilization and the physical transport of gametes from algae.  She has also tracked the movement of invasive species including periwinkles and the toothed wrack seaweed, where her research revealed that both originated from Ireland and Scotland and were likely carried in ballast rocks on ships that were moving materials across the Atlantic Ocean.

Brawley’s  laboratory focuses on studies of marine algae, including all aspects of algal reproduction. They have determined natural fertilization success, described the mechanisms algae use to achieve high fertilization success, and are now studying pathways for asexual versus sexual reproduction. An application of this knowledge is some work by the lab to develop integrated polytrophic aquaculture and new products and new markets based on sea vegetables.

DIVE IN with Liz and Sylvia is a casual, free-flowing, and educational conversation and encourages ocean and nature enthusiasts of all ages to join. Sylvia, Liz, and Susan  will take questions via Q & A text and voice call-in from the attendees. Get your questions ready!

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Presented by Ocean Elders

May 13, 2022

For registration, follow this link.

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