
You are invited to participate in session 6 of Triton Talks, a webinar series discussing the US DOE Water Power Technologies Office Triton Initiative’s research on environmental monitoring technologies and methods used to evaluate environmental stressors linked to marine energy devices.

On July 27th, join Joe Haxel, Alicia Amerson and Morgan Pattison to learn about Triton’s research on the environmental effects of underwater noise and anthropogenic light associated with marine energy.

Triton marine scientist Joe Haxel will discuss his TFiT underwater noise field trials in New Hampshire and California and share recommendations for monitoring acoustic signals at multiple marine energy sites. Triton’s Alicia Amerson and Joe Haxel, and Solid State Light Services, Inc. lighting scientist Morgan Pattison will discuss their review on anthropogenic light impacts associated with marine energy applications and recommendations for mitigations strategies. Join them to learn more about these exciting topics and participate in a discussion about their recent research.

To find out more about Triton, visit this website.

Read more about Triton’s field trials published in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering special issue “Technology and Methods for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Renewable Energy.”

If you would like to participate, register here.

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