This September the training team at EUMETSAT is going to kick off a series of online short courses that will cover weather, oceanography, air quality and climate. The short courses are open to all interested participants and address a wide range of attendees, from service providers to scientists and forecasters.

More information about the online series and the course schedule is available on Moodle, EUMETSAT’s training platform at: Here participants can find information about the content and format of the sessions, and they can register their interest in the courses.

Each short course will offer a webinar with a presentation, a demonstration of data discovery and data application. Some courses will also include a follow-up self-paced phase where participants will have the opportunity to further explore the data and discuss it with experts.

The ocean colour community may be interested in the course on “The Colour of the Oceans” on November 25, 2020, with Lauren Biermann and Oliver Clements.

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