We are pleased to inform you that the period for applications for the following Training Course is open between 10 – 30 June 2016:
• OTGA-KMFRI Training Course: Communication and Outreach Tools
We therefore invite you to share this information among potential interested candidates in your country and Region.
All information, including a course flyer, can be found following the link: http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewEventRecord&eventID=1873
Application process:
Please fill the online application form: https://otga.wufoo.com/forms/otga-application-form-communication-outreach/
Before starting filling the online application form, please make sure to have available the following:
– a motivation statement (text file) of maximum 300 words;
– scan of the bio page of your passport; in case you are a national of the host country a valid identification/citizen card can be used instead of the passport;
– scan of the endorsement letter
– link to your profile on OceanExpert (www.oceanexpert.net); if you don’t have one make sure you create one in advance.
Period for Applications: 10 – 30 June 2016
The deadline to submit the application closes 30 June 2016. Do not leave for the last minute since the system will close automatically. In case you have any questions please contact the organisers well in advance: given time differences you may not get a reply to your questions on time.
Both full- and co-sponsoring are available for a limited number of participants.
The selection of participants who will be sponsored will take into consideration:
– Applicant country’s development status (preference will be given to LIFDCs)
– Endorsement of the candidate’s application by his/her employer and any co-sponsoring
– Expected impact of the training for the applicants’ institution
– Possibility of any co-sponsorship (co-sponsorship is an asset for selection)
UNESCO is committed to promote gender equality. Therefore, applications from women are strongly encouraged.
In case of questions contact:
– OTGA Mombasa Regional Training Centre Coordinator: Harrison Ong’anda (honganda@kmfri.co.ke)
– OTGA Coordinator: Claudia Delgado (c.delgado@unesco.org)
– IOC/IODE Consultant: Greg Reed (g.reed@unesco.org)
Kind regards,
Claudia Delgado
Claudia Delgado | Training Coordinator
UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE
Wandelaarkaai 7/61
B-8400 Oostende
email: c.delgado@unesco.org / claudia.delgado@iode.org /
URL’s: www.iode.org / www.oceanteacher.org