Position: The School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell
Qualification: Requirements include background in an ecology-, agriculture-, climate-, remote sensing-, or computation-related field, strong interests in big-data analysis, data mining, statistics, and programing experience in at least one of Fortran, C, Matlab, NCL, R or Python. Preferences are given to those with some knowledge in remote sensing, CESM/CLM, or field sensors and data acquisition.
Application: Please submit application materials to Cornell graduate school at http://gradschool.cornell.edu/admissions/applying/apply-now. Information of application procedure for Section of Soil and Crop Science can be found at http://gradschool.cornell.edu/academics/fields-of-study/subject/332.
Candidates are encouraged to submit a curriculum vitae to Dr. Ying Sun
(ys776@cornell.edu or Ying.Sun@jpl.nasa.gov).
About School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell: The Cornell University houses a large internationally renowned group of academics with many collaborative projects in the area of environmental sciences
and engineering. Incoming students will join a collaborative and interdisciplinary community on the main campus located in Ithaca, NY. The Section of Soil and Crop Sciences (http://scs.cals.cornell.edu/)
is part of Cornell’s School of Integrative Plant Science (SIPS, http://sips.cals.cornell.edu/) at College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (https://cals.cornell.edu ). Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.