A postdoctoral research assistant position in bioinformatics is
available at the Joint Research Unit ECOBIOP “Fish Behavioural Ecology
and Population Biology” (INRA – Univ. Pau & Pays Adour).
Project description:
With the massive application of next generation sequencing techniques in
the field of ecology and evolutionary biology, numerous genetic markers
of interest that either show high genetic differentiation between
populations or are found to be linked to adaptive phenotypic traits are
identified. However, these candidate markers are often detected in a
restricted set of populations or among a limited number of individuals
and may required further investigation in a broader context to better
understand their ecological or evolutionary implication and potential
application for population management and conservation. The research
project TrackNat (DNA tracability for natural resources management
applied to fishes and forest tree species) coordinated by Dr. Rémy Petit
(INRA UMR BIOGECO), aims at bridging the gap between NGS data generated
during basic population genomics research projects and applications in
the field. The successful candidate will take part to the fish aspect of
the project, led by Dr. Olivier Lepais, that focuses on salmonids
species. The candidate will be involved in ongoing research that
includes two different basic objectives. The first objective is to
identify differentially expressed genes and genetic variability linked
to precocious male maturation in Atlantic salmon by analysing available
RNAseq data to better understand functional aspect of this intriguing
alternative mating tactics. The second objective is to use RADseq
methods in brown trout to estimate populations divergence and
demographic parameter in the context of a species impacted by human
exploitation and management. The candidate will be involved in
bioinformatics data analyses from raw sequence to more advanced data
analyses including functional annotation, differential gene expression
statistics, variant detection and in population genetics data analysis
including demographic scenario reconstruction.
Research environment:
The successful candidate will be based at ECOBIOP
(https://www6.bordeaux-aquitaine.inra.fr/st_pee_…/UMR-Ecobiop), a
Joint Research Unit between INRA (the French National Institute of
Agronomical Research) and the University of Pau & Pays Adour, that
studies migratory fish behaviour, evolution and population dynamics
using complementary disciplines (physiology, ecology, population
genetics and modelling). The candidate will work in close collaboration
with Dr. Olivier Lepais. The working place will be located at INRA
Aquapole in Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle (20 km south of Bayonne and Biarritz,
Required qualification and skills:
We are looking for candidates with a PhD degree in evolutionary biology
or related relevant fields, with experience in molecular ecology or
population genomics and strong bioinformatics, NGS sequence data or
statistical genetics analyses skills. Knowledge of fish biology is not
necessary but computer programming experience (R and Unix shell
scripting) is essential. Candidates should be independent, creative,
have good communication skills and should be fluent in written and oral
Terms and salary:
The post is a full-time, fixed term from 1st January 2017 to 31st
December 2017. The gross salary is 2300 euro/month.
To apply, please send to Dr. Olivier Lepais (olepais@st-pee.inra.fr) a
cover letter (exposing you background and motivation), a detailed CV
including a publication list and email addresses of two references.
Review of applications will begin the 17th October and will continue
until a suitable candidate is found.