Research Scientist Position – Ocean Waves

France, Brest


Ifremer is hiring a tenured Remote Sensing Scientist to work on sea state measurement in the context of coastal applications, extreme weather events, and/or climate change.

The successful applicant is expected to develop research on the use of existing (altimeters, SARs) and new sensors (Doppler altimeters, CFOSAT …) and their application in the context of long-term and / or multi-scale anaysis of ocean waves and their interactions with ocean currents, the atmosphere, nearshore dynamics, sea ice …

The position will be part of the Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote sensing (LOPS), located in Brest, France. The successful applicant is expected to complement and strengthen world-leading expertise on numerical wave modelling and remote sensing. LOPS ( develops and maintain a wide range of sea-going instrumentation that can be relevant to the research project.

Applications are due before March 23.
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