New position open at the University of Derby, UK for a ‘Researcher in Ecological Network Modelling and Analysis’.
This is a fixed term position for 24 months. The post-holder will work in conjunction with colleagues in Computing and Mathematics on a project which aims to develop new mathematical methodologies for the characterization and assessment of changes in biological networks.
We are particularly interested in networks describing microbial communities associated with corals, and have a range of datasets obtained by our Aquatic Research Facility and research partners that quantify microbial abundance patterns in corals undergoing climatic stress or suffering from disease. At present there is a recognition that the microbial communities are likely to be an important component in coral health and disease dynamics, but tools for studying these complex dynamic communities are at a relatively early stage. Statistical interrogation of data, allied with network an alysis and the potential application of graph-theoretic methodologies, will play a key role in the planned programme of work.
This is an exciting opportunity as we currently have a number of other projects gathering data from several reef systems around the world which will integrate with this Post-Doctoral position. Additionally there are possibilities for similar involvement in projects outside of our immediate coral research interests. In particular, we are working on animal behavioral networks which have been developed in a novel way and require their own strategies for analysis.
We seek candidates with very strong mathematical and computing skills who combine research in the natural sciences with mathematical and computational/statistical data analysis approaches. Candidates are particularly sought with research interests in network analysis and complex systems.
Ideally the candidate will also have strong programming skills in R, and an enthusiasm for collaboration and working on interdisciplinary projects with a mathematical element to them. Good communication skills, reliability, a strong work ethic, and a desire to deliver top quality research are required.
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Mark Bulling ( or Dr Mike Sweet (
To apply please click on the link;