My name is Josh
Coco and I am the Associate Director for the Master of Professional Science at the University of Miami. I am reaching out to different agencies, clubs and organizations of the top schools that we receive applications from. I wanted to see if anyone was interested in doing a Skype/GoToMeeting to talk
about our Master?s Degree programs at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami sometime in early Spring semester? We know lots of students are making decisions about where they want to go to graduate school and I just wanted to see if you all would like an opportunity to chat as club about our program.
The Master of Professional Science (MPS) is an accelerated, graduate degree is intended for students who want to generate innovative solutions to marine, coastal, and climate related issues. Students enrolled in this program are exposed to a unique, multidisciplinary curriculum, including
science theory, field and laboratory training, legal and regulatory knowledge, communication and media training, and the development of project management skills, designed to prepare them to address environmental challenges as future global leaders.
We have 14 tracks to choose from. The best part of our program is that we help you customize it toward your interests and career goals.
*Degree Programs <>*
o  Applied Remote Sensing
o  Aquaculture <>
o  Broadcast Meteorology
o  Coastal Zone Management
o  Exploration Science
o  Fisheries Management and Conservation
o  JD/MPS Program <>
o  Marine Conservation
o  Marine Mammal Science
o  Natural Hazard and Catastrophe Analytics
o  Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management
o  Underwater Archaeology
o  Weather, Climate and Society
o  Weather Forecasting
Looking forward to speaking with you and your colleagues!
Josh Coco, Ed. D.
Associate Director, Master of Professional Science (MPS)
Tel: (305) 421.4304
Fax: (305) 421.4711
University of Miami
RSMAS Campus – MPS Office, Room: S/A 132
*4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
*Miami, FL 33149-1031