The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research GmbH ( is an independent research and teaching institute that provides scientific knowledge for the protection and sustainable use of tropical coastal ecosystems. To this end, we work in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner with our partners in the tropics. The ZMT is a member of the Leibniz Association.
Pacific Island countries and territories – in particular their Indigenous peoples as custodians of the ocean for their general good, sovereign rights, and holistic knowledge – are increasingly recognized as integral for achieving ambitious marine conservation objectives such as the global target to expand protected areas to 30% of the planet by 2030. The reef passages of the region, connecting coastal waters and the open ocean, are known as outstanding hotspots of biodiversity and productivity. Hence, they are of multifaceted significance for the overall health of coral reef ecosystems. The international project A Sea of Connections: Valuing Reef Passages in the South Pacific Region (SOCPacific2R) explores these social-ecological ‘keystone places’ and ‘communication zones’. For this inter- and transdisciplinary project (subject to release of funds), we are now inviting applications for a, Postdoctoral Researcher (gn) (Reference: 27-SOCPacific2R).
The postdoctoral researcher will dedicate 75 % of their work time to the SOCPacifc2R project, in close collaboration with its international research team, particularly with Co-PIs Dr. Elodie Fache (IRD, France), Dr. Amanda Ford (USP, Fiji), and Dr. Annette Breckwoldt (ZMT, Germany), but also the other research team members and students joining this journey.
Your tasks:
The postdoc will be the principal researcher for WP2 (Management and conservation of reef passages) mainly around the question: How can co-produced knowledge of the multiple uses and values of reef passages help to support locally meaningful management and conservation arrangements that are actively maintained by coastal communities? In addition, the researcher will work in close relationship with the other WPs, be involved in the co-supervision of students, contribute to the organisation and coordination of collective activities, and to refining the typology for reef passages. Activities will also entail a literature and policy review, to be continued throughout the project, aiming in particular to gather existing social-ecological data on reef passages and their governance, management, and conservation, contributing to the planned science-society-policy dialogue of SOCPacific2R.
- PhD in marine social sciences, potentially with background in human geography, coastal management, anthropology or political ecology; or PhD in marine sciences with experience in inter- and transdisciplinary and/or social-ecological research, are also an option;
- skills in literature review as well as in data collection and analysis (of both qualitative and quantitative data);
- skills to independently conduct a variety of stakeholder interviews, workshops, observations, and willingness and ability to pass on these skills to students;
- experience with engagement corridors and two-way knowledge exchange for the co-production of knowledge and inter- and transdisciplinary methods, specifically targeted towards the integration of stakeholders as co-researchers (incl. local communities and resource users) and experts from a wide variety of backgrounds;
- ability to work independently, while being an active member of an international and multidisciplinary team delivering key contributions to the collective work;
- a strong interest in working for extensive periods on/in the South Pacific region;
- have very good writing and communication skills in English;
- be ready to join and integrate in an inspiring international and interdisciplinary research environment.
This unique research opportunity will include field investigations that will mainly draw on ethnographic methodologies, especially non-participant and participant observation, and qualitative interviews in selected sites. It includes the joint organization and participation in interdisciplinary activities and hence the co-design of inter- and transdisciplinary methods (e.g., using drawings, underwater videos, storytelling). The postdoc will also gain valuable experiences by contributing to tasks related to the general coordination of the project, such as:
- the organization of meetings and participatory workshops,
- the storage and handling of the project’s data,
- the design and ongoing adjustment of the data management plan and ethical procedures,
- the production of mid-project and final reports,
- the ongoing development of the project’s website,
- an internship program, co-supervised by members of the French, German, and Pacific teams, a summer school, and other trainings/workshops at the University of the South Pacific
Finally, the postdoctoral researcher will participate in all types of results dissemination planned in the project, incl. paper presentations on international conferences, policy briefs and fact sheets, and the joint publication of inter- and transdisciplinary research in peer-reviewed articles.
Desirable qualifications and assets: Writing and communication skills in French and/or German; prior fieldwork experience in South Pacific countries and territories; originating from and/or being based in this region.
Further information:
For questions please contact Annette Breckwoldt, email:, Amanda Ford, email: or Elodie Fache, email:
Details of position:
Salary will be paid according to the German TV-L (EG 13) The position is based in Bremen, Germany, with long periods in the South Pacific and possibly several stays in Montpellier, France. The position is available for part-time employment (75% of a full-time position) starting as soon as possible and limited until 31.10.2027. ZMT is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants with a migration background are welcome. Persons with severe disabilities are given special consideration if they have the same professional and personal qualifications. The ZMT values its diverse workforce and pursues the goal of providing equal opportunity, which incorporates gender neutrality (gn). We will be happy to accept your documents without a photo.
We offer:
- A challenging and varied job in an international, dynamic and interdisciplinary research environment
- A motivated and committed team from different countries and cultures
- An open and cooperative working atmosphere
- Opportunities for personal and professional development
- Interesting, varied and challenging tasks and family-friendly working conditions
- Company pension plan (VBL)
- Company health promotion and the opportunity to participate in company fitness with EGYM Wellpass
Submission of application:
Please submit a cover letter with your motivation and expectations (1-2 p.), your CV, a summary of your PhD project/dissertation (+ previous postdoctoral experiences, if any; 1-2 p.), and the names of two referees; letters of recommendation are also welcome. Please submit your application by 26.11.2024 as a single pdf file with the reference number “27-SOCPaficific2R” to Ms. Carina Seemann, email:
Find out more information here.