A global study of coastal Deoxygenation, Ocean Acidification and Productivity at selected sites (2017-underway)
Environmental conditions throughout the world ocean are changing in response to fossil fuel emissions and greenhouse warming in the atmosphere. Climate change and high carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are causing a domino-like series of changes in ocean conditions, including increased temperature, decreased oxygen content and acidification.
Continuous time-series measurements at fixed locations are pre-requisites for forecasting and warning operations as well as for a variety of basic and applied research studies. Despite active oceanographic research related to climate change, there remain significant gaps in our capacity to observe the ocean, particularly in the coast of developing nations.
NANO-DOAP project is establishing a network of coastal monitoring stations particularly at these sites, taking advantage of NANO members’ global distribution. This global research project aims to advance knowledge and observation of the coastal ocean by consolidating existing, or establishing new, monitoring stations for essential ocean variables (EOVs) in the alumni locations.

The NANO-DOAP Project began in April 2017 as the continuity of the previous regional observation projects funded by NF-POGO. The general objectives of NANO-DOAP are:
- Support in-situ measurements of selected Essential Oceanographic Variables (EOVs) at participant study sites.
- Compile data submitted by the participants into a NANO global database of selected EOV and support comparative analyses among study sites, focusing on levels of productivity, acidification and deoxygenation.
- Provide capacity building opportunities to the project participants on marine data management and observation and data analysis methods through workshops and webinars.
- Initiate and promote outreach and citizen-science activities to raise awareness about the importance of the marine environment and the threats facing it.
Specific objectives for the current year (April 2021 – March 2022) are:
- Continue to support the on-going monthly/bimonthly sampling in active sampling sites;
- Use the 2020-21 budget allocated for the cancelled in person workshop to offer the opportunity to members to apply for funding to purchase small equipment that would allow them to measure mandatory or additional parameters in 2021-22 (e.g. carbonate chemistry, microplastics…);
- Improve NANO-DOAP measurement network by involving more NANO members;
- Compile and analyse the data collected by all participants and work on a joint manuscript for publication in an international journal;
- Continue the NANO-DOAP Webinar Series;
- Hold virtual meetings to establish a standardisation of sampling methods;
- Collaborate with POGO-OpenMODs and NANO-SAGITTA projects on long-term monitoring of EOVs using low-cost equipment;
- If travel restrictions improve, organize the second in person workshop to present and discuss: (a) data from field work, (b) satellite time-series, (c) results of eventual comparative studies, (d) a repository for the global project data (where, how?).
Study location / Sample sites
Project Achievements
The aim for the first year was to shape the project objectives and deliverables based on direct feedbacks from a survey among NANO members.
In 2018, a workshop started the project where participants committed to join the project and sampling strategies were defined. Since then, fieldwork has been conducted at study sites and outreach activities have been conducted by participants, often relying on the project’s financial support.
In 2019 NANO-DOAP initiated its own outreach project with the NANO Global Project Webinar Series.
In 2020 we have expanded to 14 stations in 11 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America
In 2021, NANO-DOAP expanded to 33 stations in 18 countries and published its first collective scientific publication:
Krug, L.A.; Sarker, S.; Huda, A.N.M.S; Gonzalez-Silvera, A.; Edward, A.; Berghoff, C.; Naranjo, C.; Mahu, E.; López-Calderón, J.; Escudero, L.; Tapia, M.; Noernberg, M.A.; Ahmed, M.; Menon, N.; Betancur-Turizo, S.,2022. Putting training into practice: An alumni network global monitoring program. In Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper,S. Seeyave, E. Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds. Oceanography 34(4):18-19. DOI10.5670/oceanog.2021.supplement.02-08
Scientific outputs
Book Chapter
- Sánchez-Noguera, C.,Berghoff, C. F.,Epherra, L., Hernández, J. C., 2023. Pásame la botella: muestreo subacuáticopara la caracterización del sistema de carbonatos. In: Sánchez, J. A., Alvarado, E. M., Barrios,L. F.,Ochoa E.(Eds.).Buceo Científico: Manual de procedimientos y metodologías. Colección Jorge Álvarez Lleras, Nº 45, Pages 145-155.Bogotá, D.C.: Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.
Journal Articles
- Sarker, S., M. S. Hossain, N. Das, S. C. Riya, S. Smriti, M. M. Hossain and M. J. Rahman (2024). Integration of socio-ecological data to prioritize biodiversity hot-spots for Marine Protected Area (MPA) delineation in the coastal zone of Bangladesh. Regional Studies in Marine Science: 103622. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103622
- Das, N., G. W. Chowdhury, A. B. Siddique, S. C. Riya, M. A. Fazal, F. Sobhan and S. Sarker (2024). The silent threat of plastics along the coastal frontiers of Bangladesh: Are we concerned enough? Marine Pollution Bulletin 205: 116567. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116567
- Larios-Muñiz, M.; Gonzalez-Silvera, A.; Santamaria-del-Ángel, E.; Guzman-Hernandez, M.E.; Betancur-Turizo, S.; Torres-Beltrán, M.; López-Calderón, J. Light absorption properties of dinoflagellate blooms in Todos Santos Bay, Mexico (northeast Pacific Ocean). Regional Studies in Marine Science, 72 (2024) 103438. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103438.
- Sarker, S., Krug, L.A., Islam, K.M., Basak, S.C., Huda, A.N.M.S., Hossain, M.S., Das, N., Riya, S.C., Liyana, E., Chowdhury, G.W. (2024). An integrated coastal ecosystem monitoring strategy: Pilot case in Naf-Saint Martin Peninsula, Bangladesh. Science of The Total Environment, 913, 169718.
- Ramírez-Altamirano Y, González-Silvera A, López-Calderón J, Santamaria-Del-Angel E. Evaluation of the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton using microscopy and CHEMTAX in Todos Santos Bay (Baja California, México) during 2017-2018. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res.. 2023;51(2): 218-237. Available from: doi:10.3856/vol51-issue2-fulltext-2988
- Sarker, S., Haque, A. B., Chowdhury, G. W., & Huda, A. N. M. S. (2023). Environmental Controls of phytoplankton in the river dominated sub-tropical coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 66, 103114.doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103114
- Sultana, T., Islam, M.T., Rahman, M.D.S., Siddique, A.B., Huda, A.N.M.S., Sarker, S. (2023). Evaluating the long-term geomorphic process in-relation to hydrodynamics in the central coastal zone of Bangladesh. Heliyon, 9. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon. 2023.e17368
- Lutz, V.; Chidiak, M.; Frouin, R.;Negri,R.;Dogliotti,A.I.;Santamaria-del-Angel, E.;Berghoff,C.;Rojas, J.;Filipello,C.;Astor, Y.;Segura, V.; Gonzalez-Silvera, A.;Escudero, L.;Ledesma, J.;Uyoshi, K.;Silva, R.;Ruiz, G.;Cozzolino, E.;Allega, L.;Tan, J.;Kampel,M.,2023. Regulation of CO2 by the sea in areas around Latin America in a context of climate change. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol195, Issue 3. DOI10.1007/s10661-023-10997-1.
- Krug, L.A.; Sarker, S.; Huda, A.N.M.S; Gonzalez-Silvera, A.; Edward, A.; Berghoff, C.; Naranjo, C.; Mahu, E.; López-Calderón, J.; Escudero, L.; Tapia, M.; Noernberg, M.A.; Ahmed, M.; Menon, N.; Betancur-Turizo, S.,2022. Putting training into practice: An alumni network global monitoring program. In Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper,S. Seeyave, E. Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds. Oceanography 34(4):18-19. DOI10.5670/oceanog.2021.supplement.02-08
- Ihsan, Y. N.; Purba, N. P.; Faizal, I.; Anya, A.; Mulyani, P. G.; Anwar, S. K., 2022. Impact of the Pandemic COVID-19 to the Indonesia Seas. Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites,40(1), 30-36. https://doi.org/10.30892/gtg.40103-799
- Hassoun, A.E.R., R. Hernández-Moresino, E.S. Barbieri, J.C. Carbajal, A. Crespi-Abril, A. De Cian, L.Epherra, M. Fakhri, A. Ghanem, H. Jaber, M.-T. Kassab, A. Martelli, A. Ouba, F. Paparazzo, J.P. Pisoni, E. Tarek, and J.G. Vázquez.2021. Coastal monitoring in the context of climate change: Time-series efforts in Lebanon and Argentina. Pp.12–13 in Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards. E.S. Kappel, S.K. Juniper, S. Seeyave, E.Smith, and M. Visbeck, eds, A Supplement to Oceanography34(4), https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2021.supplement.02-05.
- Betancur-Turizo, S. P., & Rivero-Hernandez, J. P. (2020). Variability of spectral slope of the cromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the multi-annual monitoring Antares Station, Cartagena. Boletin Cientifico CIOH, 39(2), 3-15.
- Anwar, S. K.; Purba, N. P.; Yuniarti, Subiyanto, 2020. Coastal vulnerability based on oceanographic and ecosystem parameters on the north and south coast of West Java,”2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (AGERS), Jakarta,Indonesia, 2020, pp. 184-190, doi: 10.1109/AGERS51788.2020.9452761.
- Ruiz, M.G.;Lutz, V. A.;Segura,V., Berghoff, C.F.;Negri, R.M.,2020. The color of EPEA: Variability in the in situ bio-optical properties in the period 2000-2017. Marine and fishery sciences, Vol 33, Issue 2, pp.205-225, DOI10.47193/mafis.3322020301105
- Purba, N. P.; Khan, A. M., 2019. Upwelling session in Indonesia waters. World News of Natural Sciences, 25.
- Ahmad, A. L.; Syamsuddin, M. L.; Purba, N. P., 2019. Thermal front condition through El Niño and Indonesian through flow phase in southern sea of East Java and Bali on the east monsoon. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 303, No. 1, p. 012002. IOP Publishing. DOI10.1088/1755-1315/303/1/012002
- Purba, N. P.; Pranowo, W. S.; Faizal, I.; Adiwira, H., 2018. Temperature-Salinity stratification in the Eastern Indian Ocean using argo float. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 162, No. 1, p. 012010. IOP Publishing.doi:10.1088/1755-1315/162/1/012010
Presentations at Scientific Events
- Gonzalez A. Long-term monitoring of Phytoplankton, Nutrients and Alkalinity off Baja California. Poster Presentation at Ocean Observing conference in California, 14-16 May 2024
- Sarker, S. and Krug, L.A. NANO-DOAP Global Project: An Alumni Network Global Monitoring Program. Oral Presentation at NF-POGO RT at Kara, Togo, 12 – 25 November 2023
- Naranjo C. and M.E Tapia. Relevance of biological indicators during El Niño events in Ecuadorian waters. Oral Presentation at Symposium: Marine Sciences in Ecuador conference, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 16 October 2023.
- Sarker, S. and Krug, L.A. NANO-DOAP Global Project: An Alumni Network Global Monitoring Program. Oral Presentation at Global Ocean Summit, Qingdao, China, 25-27 September 2023
- Noernberg, M.A., Zem, R., da Silva, A.F.M, Gonçalves, S.F.A., Mafra Jr., L.L. Seasonal changes in coastal circulation drive phytoplankton composition and algal blooms in southern Brazil. Poster presentation at “Trevor Platt Science Foundation Symposium”, Plymouth (UK), 9-11 August 2023
- De Cian A., Crespi-Abril A., Hernandez-Moresino R., Epherra L., Pisoni, J.P., Barbieri E. Preliminary results of oceanographic data from the G-NEO1 time series in the Nuevo Gulf, Argentina. Poster presentation at Trevor Platt Symposium, Plymouth (United Kingdom), 7–11 August 2023.
- Hernandez-Moresino R., Halter B., Epherra L., Pisoni J.P., Barbieri E., Crespi-Abril A., Martelli A., De Cian A. Inter-seasonal and inter-annual changes in the zooplankton community structure in a coastal station from Patagonia, Argentina (2018–2023). Poster presentation at Trevor Platt Symposium, Plymouth (United Kingdom), 7–11 August 2023.
- Sarker, S. Krug, L. and Huda, A. N. M. S. 2023. NANO-DOAP Scientific Manuscript: Intercomparison Analysis and Results. Oral presentation at NANO-DOAP workshop. 7-8 August 2023
- Sarker, S. Krug, L. and Huda, A. N. M. S. 2023. Citizen for Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring. Oral presentation at NANO-DOAP workshop. 7-8 August 2023
- Berghoff, C.F., Epherra, L., Silva, R., Fernández-Acuña, J., Baldoni, A., Maenza, R. A., Hozbor, M.C., Albornoz, M., Menna, B.V., Cascallares, M.G., Moreira, D., citizen science divers from CASE. Taking a dive into “El Veril”: A coastal time series monitoring by citizen science divers in Argentina. Poster presentation at Trends, Reflections, Evolution, and Visions in Ocean Research. A celebration of the scientific life of Trevor Platt”, Plymouth (United Kingdom),9-11 August2023.
- Lutz, V.A., Allega, L., Berghoff ,C.F., Carignan, M., Cepeda, G., Cozzolino, E., del Valle, D.A., Diaz, M., DiMauro, R., Do Souto, M., Epherra, L., Fernández-Acuña, J., Giorgini, M., Hozbor, C., Leonarduzzi, E., Luz Clara,M., Maenza, E., Montoya, N., Peresutti, S., Ruiz, G., Segura, V., Silva, R., Negri, R. Marine Ecological Time Series Estación Permanente de Estudios Ambientales (EPEA)-Southwestern Atlantic. Poster presentation at Trends, Reflections, Evolution, and Visions in Ocean Research. A celebration of the scientific life of Trevor Platt”, Plymouth (United Kingdom),9-11 August 2023
- Sarker, S.2023. Integration of Science and Community for Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring in Bangladesh. Oral presentation at UNEP/UNODC Global Webinar on Geospatial and Other Data Sources for Environment Statistics.26 July 2023.
- Berghoff CF. Marine Ecological Time Series in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fisheries Zone (Southwestern Atlantic). Oral presentation at Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry Summer Workshop 2023. Woods Hole, Massachusetts (United States), 12-15 June 2023.
- Sarker, S. 2023. Country experience of coastal ecosystem monitoring: Bangladesh. Oral presentation at Global Webinar on Geospatial and Other Data Sources for Environment Statistics, 18 April 2023.
- Sarker, S.2023. Coastal ecosystem monitoring initiative in Bangladesh for Blue Economy and biodiversity conservation. Oral presentation at the International Symposium of Marine Resource Management, SUST. 24-25 March 2023.
- Sarker, S. Krug, L. and Huda, A. N. M. S. 2023. NANO-DOAP: A global ocean monitoring initiative. Oral presentation at 24 POGO Annual Meeting, Toulon, France.23-26 January 2023.
- De Cian A., Epherra L., Berghoff C., Silva R., Hernandez-Moresino R., Barbieri E., Lutz V. Estaciones oceanográficas costeras in situ: EPEA, El Veril y G-NEO1. Poster presentation at the XIV Congreso Argentino de Meteorología, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 7-11 November 2022.
- De Cian, A., Epherra, L., Berghoff, C.F., Silva, R.I., Hernández-Moresino, R., Barbieri, E., Lutz, V. Estaciones Oceanográficas costeras in situ: EPEA, EL VERIL y G-NEO1. Poster presentation at Congreso Argentino de Meteorología (CONGREMET). Buenos Aires (Argentina), 7-11November2022.
- Lutz, V.A., Allega, L., Berghoff, C.F., Carignan, M., Cepeda, G., Cozzolino, E., del Valle, D.A., Diaz, M., DiMauro, R., Do Souto, M., Epherra, L., Fernández-Acuña, J., Giorgini, M., Hozbor, C., Leonarduzzi, E., Luz Clara, M., Maenza, E., Montoya, N., Peresutti, S., Ruiz, G., Segura, V., Silva, R., Negri, R. Estación Permanente de Estudios Ambientales (EPEA). Oral presentation at 19° Simposio Científico. Comisión Técnica Mixta del Frente Marítimo. Colonia(Uruguay), 14-17 November 2022
- Luz Clara, M., Berghoff, C.F., Maenza, R.A., Carignan, M., Molinari, G., Epherra, L., Negri, R., Lutz, V.A. ¿ Qué noscuentan dos décadas de observaciones físicoquímicas en EPEA? Oral presentation at 19° Simposio Científico. Comisión Técnica Mixta del Frente Marítimo. Colonia (Uruguay), 14-17 November 2022
- Lutz, V., Negri, R., Equipo DiPlaMCC. Serie de tiempo ecológico marina EPEA. Oral presentation at XI Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar y XIX Coloquio de Oceanografía. Comodoro Rivadavia (Argentina), 28 March-1 April 2022.
- Berghoff, C.F., Epherra, L., Silva, R., Hozbor, C., Baldoni, A., Carignan, M., buzos ciudadanos del club CASE. Cienciaciudadana con buzos para estudiar la acidificación oceánica en el sitio costero“El Veril”(Mar del Plata, Argentina). Oral presentation at XI Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar y XIX Coloquio de Oceanografía. Comodoro Rivadavia (Argentina),28 March-1 April2022.
- Sarker, S., Huda, A.N.M.S. and Krug, L. 2022. NANO-DOAP: An ocean monitoring initiative. Oral presentation at 14thGlobal NANO-DOAP webinar series. 14 January 2022
- Berghoff, C.F., Maenza, R. A., Luz Clara, M., Lutz, V. A., Epherra, L., Negri, R. M. Reconstruyendo dos décadas delsistema de los carbonatos en la serie temporal ecológica“Estación Permanente de Estudios Ambientales”(EPEA):mediciones y estimaciones. Poster presentation at Congreso Latino americano de Ciencias del Mar 2019-XVIIICOLACMAR, Mar del Plata (Argentina),4-8 November 2019.
- Lutz,V., Chidiak, M., Frouin, R., Negri, R., Dogliotti, A., Santamaría Del Angel, E., Rojas, J., Filipello, C., Astor, I., Segura, V., Berghoff, C., Gonzalez Silvera, A., Pompeu, M., Escudero, L., Ledesma, J., Silva,R., Ruiz, G., Kampel, M., Cozzolino,E.,Allega,L.,UeyoshiK. Servicio ecosistémico marino de regulación en cinco países de américalatina (Red ANTARES): implicancias socio económicas. Oral presentation at Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias del Mar 2019-XVIII COLACMAR, Mar del Plata (Argentina), 4-8 November 2019.
- Ruiz, M.G., Dogliotti, A.I., Lutz, V. A., Segura, V. ,Negri, R., Berghoff, C.F. Sesgos en la estimación satelital declorofila en relación a las propiedades ópticas in situ en la serie temporal EPEA. Poster presentation at Congreso Latino americano de Ciencias del Mar 2019-XVIII COLACMAR, Mar del Plata (Argentina), 4-8 November 2019
- Berghoff, C.F., Lutz V.A., Mario Carignan M., Negri R.M. Variabilid ad del sistema de los carbonatos en la serie temporal ecológica “Estación Permanente de Estudios Ambientales” (EPEA), Mar Argentino. Poster presentation at X Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar. Buenos Aires (Argentina) 30 July-3 August 2018
- Betancur-Turizo, Stella Patricia. (2018). Integrated network of in situ and remote sensing stations focused on detecting long-term changes in marine ecosystems around the Americas. 1st SEMINAR OF THE COLOMBIAN ASSOCIATION OF RESEARCHERS IN MARINE SCIENCES (ACIMAR). “MARINE BIODIVERSITY, MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION”. August 8-10, 2018. Santa Marta – Magdalena.
Presentations at Scientific Events
• B.V. Menna, A.G. Cabreira, G. Cascallares, E. Aguilar and C.F.Berghoff. Primer levantamiento batimétrico hidroacústico de “El Veril del Banco de Afuera”. Informe de Asesoramiento y Transferencia INIDEP N°6/23.2023.
• L. Epherra, C.F.Berghoff, A.De Cian and R.I.Silva RI. Entrenamientos en técnicas de variables utilizadas en las series de tiempo ecológicas EPEA, Veril y G-NEO1. Informe de Actividades INIDEP Nֻº040/22.2022.
• C.F. Berghoff, L. Epherra and D. Pierrot. Determinación potenciométrica de alcalinidad total de agua de mar encelda abierta. Informe de Procedimientos Operacionales INIDEP N° 1/21. 2021.
• C.F. Berghoff. Citizen Science Activities at NANO-DOAP “El Veril” Station (Argentina). NANONEWS-NF-POGO Alumni Network for Oceans E-Newsletter. Vol 19, October 2020, p.12-13.2020.
• C.F. Berghoff. Ciencia ciudadana para evaluar la Acidificación Oceánica en aguascosteras de Mar del Plata. Informe de Asesoramiento y Transferencia INIDEP N° 17/19.2019.
• C. F. Berghoff, M. Braverman, M. and R. Di Mauro. Difusión de las actividades de investigación sobre acidificaciónoceánica y microplásticos realizadas en el INIDEP. Informe de Asesoramiento y Transferencia INIDEP N° 32/19.2019.
Undergraduate, MSc or PhD dissertation(s)/thesis
• Silva, A.F.M. (2023). Temporal variation in micro phytoplankton composition on the continental shelf adjacent to Pontal do Sul, PR. Undergraduate dissertation submitted for the title of Bachelor of Sciences in Oceanography at the Federal University of Paraná. In progress.
• Gonçalves, S.F.A. (2023). Space-time variation of pigment concentrations on the inner shelf of the Paraná coast. Undergraduate dissertation submitted for the title of Bachelor of Sciences in Oceanography at the Federal University of Paraná. In progress.
• Budiono, E.M. (2023). Analisis distribusi property air laut secara musiman di perairan Cirebon. (In Bahasa Indonesia). Seasonal seawater properties distribution analysis of Cirebon waters. Undergraduate dissertation submitted for the title of Bachelor Science in Oceanography at the Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA. 102pp. Available at https://digilib.itb.ac.id/gdl/view/75688
• Huda, A.N.M.S. (2022). Phytoplankton ecology in the coastal water of Bangladesh. Undergraduate dissertation submitted for the Bachelor of Sciences in Oceanography at the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. 62 pp.
• Sultana, T. (2022). Evaluation of geomorphology and hydrography of Meghna River Estuary. Thesis submitted for the title of Master of Sciences in Coastal Oceanography at the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. 92 pp
• Murillo, J.S. (2022). Implementation of equipment and protocols to evaluate the monitoring of the marine water quality (Chlorophyll-a and CDOM) during the 2021 rainy season in Cartagena Bay. Undergraduate dissertation submitted for the Bachelor of Sciences in Marine Biology at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12010/28123
Coordinators (period)
Houssem Smeti (2017-2019)
Subrata Sarker (2021 – present)
Participant | Institution/Country | Role |
Subrata Sarker | Shahjalal University of Science and Technology/Bangladesh | Representative of study site/Project Coordinator |
Mohamed Ahmed | Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute/Kenya | Representative of study site |
Akintoye Akinnigbagbe | Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research/Nigeria | Representative of study site |
Carla Berghoff | National Institute of Fisheries and Development/Argentina | Representative of study site |
Lamona Bernawis | Dept. Oceanography, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi bandung/Indonesia | Representative of study site |
Stella Betancur | Ministry of Defence; General Maritime Directorate/Colombia | Representative of study site |
Ousmane Diankha | Université Iba Der Thaim de Thiès/Senegal | Representative of study site |
Luís Escudero | Maritime Institute of Peru/Peru | Representative of study site |
Adriana Gonzalez | Autonomous University of Baja California/Mexico | Representative of study site |
Abed El Rahman Hassoun | National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon | Representative of study site |
Yosra Khammeri | National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies/Tunisia | Representative of study site |
Samina Kidwai | National Institute of Oceanography/Pakistan | Representative of study site |
Edem Mahu | University of Ghana/Ghana | Representative of study site |
Nandini Menon | Nansen Environmental Research Centre/India | Representative of study site |
Rodrigo Hernandez Moresino | Centre for the Study of Marine Systems, in the National Scientific and Technical Research Council/Argentina | Representative of study site |
Maurício Noernberg | Centre for Marine Studies/Brazil | Representative of study site |
Essowè Panassa | University of Kara/Togo | Representative of study site |
Noir Primadona Purba | Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science/Indonesia | Representative of study site |
Houssem Smeti | University of Tunis | Representative of study site |
Maria Tapia | Oceanographic Institute of the Navy/Ecuador | Representative of study site |
A N M Samiul Huda | Shahjalal University of Science and Technology/Bangladesh | Part-time fellow (2022-2023) |
Nabanita Das | Shahjalal University of Science and Technology/Bangladesh | Part-time fellow (2024-present) |
Webinar Series
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