7 PhD positions at the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behaviour – Deadline 24 November 2024

The International Max Planck Research School for Quantitative Behavior, Ecology and Evolution from lab to field (IMPRS-QBEE) continues to strengthen ties by increasing collaborations and achieving sucessful scientific results between the newly founded Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (MPI-AB) and the Department of Biology at the University of Konstanz.

The IMPRS-QBEE announces a call for applications for admission in 2025. We seek to prepare young motivated researchers with the minimum entry requirement of either a Master’s or an equivalent degree level in a related subject. It is not necessary to hold the degree at the time of application; however accepted applicants need to have the degree awarded before starting their doctorate. Latest starting date is October 1st, 2025.

The eligibility of each applicant’s degree’s will be checked by Universität Konstanz on a case-by-case basis. Those who do not fulfil the minimum requirements will have to complete further course work before their doctoral studies.

Candidates need to be fluent in written and spoken English and – unless native speakers – have to document their proficiency in the language (e.g. TOEFL). Our Institute code number for TOEFL is D259. German is not required, but students from abroad will be offered opportunities to take German courses and we highly recommend to pick up some words for your social life.


  • October 1st, 2024: All available PhD positions will be online and the IMPRS application system will open. Candidates can then apply for positions of the IMPRS-QBEE doctoral program, starting in 2025.
  • November 24th, 2024 (23:59 CET): Application deadline
  • December 1st, 2024 (23:59 CET): Deadline for references
  • early January, 2025: Candidates will be pre-interviewed online
  • by January 17th, 2025: Candidates will be notified if they are to join the selection symposium. Please notify the coordinator if you require a visa to enter Germany!
  • March 10th – 12th, 2025: Selection Symposium

The IMPRS program will cover the costs for accommodation and travel and help with purchasing of the (airline/train) tickets on your behalf.

When is the latest starting date?

We expect all new candidates to participate in our Welcome Week, which takes place early each October. Thus, the latest possible starting date would be the 1st of October.

How to apply

To apply to one of the open doctoral positions, please follow this link to the IMPRS application system. Applications via e-mail will not be considered!

We recommend that you ask your two referees personally before adding their information to the application portal, if they are willing and have the time to evaluate your academic skills, before the given deadline, then we recommend adding their information on Tab 5 as soon as possible, before you complete your own details. Keep in mind, that your referees time is also precious! If you do not plan to complete the application, please do not ask for their support unnecessarily. YOU just might need it for real one day.

Note: You cannot change your referees once you have sent the invite! Please be aware that your application will only be considered if the two recommendation letters reached us in time!

You will receive a confirmation email as soon as we receive your two recommendation letters, as soon as you have submitted your application and finally once your application is complete.

Required documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  • Transcript of records (record of study) and degree certificate of bachelor (BSc) degree, Vordiplom or equivalent degree;
  • Transcript of records (record of study) and degree certificate of Master (MSc) degree, Diplom or equivalent degree (if applicable). If your degree programme is not yet completed, please provide temporary transcripts;
  • two letters of recommendation, will be required, please ask your previous MSc supervisor;
  • High school degree transcripts or equivalent, if German applicant;
  • Letter of Motivation, specifically addressing why the selected project(s) /research group were chosen and why you want to join the IMPRS?
  • For some of the projects, an additional Research Statement is requested. Please follow the detailed specifics of the selected project.

Recommended documents :

  • certificate of proficiency in English (recommended if not native English speaker or education was not in English);
  • scholarships, prizes and awards (if applicable);
  • portrait picture (optional);
  • A GRE subject test in either biochemistry, biology, mathematics, physics or related subject.  A GRE subject test is recommended if you come from a non-EU country, this will strongly support any application (for applicants from India we also accept GATE);
  • International experience.

What we expect of our future IMPRS students:

  • strong scientific motivation;
  • serious interest in the activities of the doctoral programme.

More information about this opportunity can be found here.

Have any news or opportunity in ocean sciences to share? Send it to info_at_nf-pogo-alumni.org
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