LIFE MarHa Project final international seminar – 12 – 13 March 2025, Lille, France

As part of the LIFE Marha project, the French Biodiversity Office is leading a European platform on marine habitats. The LIFE team is launching the organisation of the project’s final conference, which will focus on the marine sedimentary habitats of the medio-, infra-, and circalittoral zones upstream of the continental slope, in the European Atlantic Biogeographic region (North Sea, Celtic Sea, South European Atlantic Shelf). The aim of this conference is to bring together scientists, Member State departments and environmental managers to share knowledge on the status, monitoring and management experiences of these specific habitats.

In order to build up its programme, LIFE Marha is launching a call for contributions, which is open to scientists with knowledge and data on the description, distribution, state of health and sensitivity of these habitats and the documented impacts, as well as to managers and government departments implementing conservation management measures.

Learn more about this event here.

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