New Report Released on “10 Challenges and Opportunities for Climate-Smart Restoration in Marine Protected Areas”

The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, in partnership with the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and the Lenfest Ocean Program, recently released a new report titled “10 Challenges and Opportunities for Climate-Smart Restoration in Marine Protected Areas.” This report is designed to be a widely-applicable, highly-visual education and advocacy tool. The report identifies shared trends in climate-informed kelp and coral restoration, illustrating those trends through diverse case studies from across the sanctuary system. The report is a summary product resulting from the a recent Symposium that convened MPA managers, Indigenous managers and knowledge holders, scientists and academics, restoration practitioners, and other community members to focus on developing capacities for ecosystem restoration in national marine sanctuaries and other marine protected areas due to accelerating rates of change in marine environments.

via NMSF
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