NANO alumni publication: Estimation of Residence time in coastal waters of Vietnam: A comparison of radioactivity, hydrodynamics, and LOICZ approach

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This is an output of NANO Regional Project South-East Asia

NANO Alumni Phan Minh-Thu and colleagues published the following article in the Journal of Marine Science and Technology:

Estimation of Residence time in coastal waters of Vietnam: A comparison of radioactivity, hydrodynamics, and LOICZ approach

Minh-Thu et al. (2020) Journal of Marine Science and Technology, DOI 10.6119/JMST.202004_28(2).0006


Water exchange plays a vital role in controlling water quality and the assessment of environmental carrying capacity for marine spatial planning. Water exchange in water bodies is determined by residence time. A comparative study of the different residence times in the coastal waters of Vietnam by radioactivity, numerical dynamic modeling, and land-ocean interactions in the coastal zone (LOICZ) approaches is conducted. The residence time calculated using the radioactivity method was higher than that obtained through other approaches. The results of radioactivity and numerical dynamic modeling presented full images of water exchange in the study areas, whereas the LOICZ approach indicated water exchanges that occurred in the entire water body. Thus, a satisfactory agreement between calculated and measured water exchange was obtained for Cam Ranh Bay by integrating the radioactivity method within numerical modeling to improve the calculation of carrying capacity for marine spatial planning.

Link for the publication here

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