PhD position in Arctic oceanography and air-ice-sea interactions

PhD position: starts in January 2021 (Spring semester).

Project: PhD position in Arctic oceanography and air-ice-sea interactions

Funding: NSF

The physical processes controlling the delivery, storage and release of heat within the Arctic Ocean to its overlying ice cover are likely to increase in importance, and must be studied if we are to reduce uncertainties in projections of the Arctic’s role in weather and likely trajectories of future climate. This project will examine the role of various oceanic processes in shaping variability in the Eurasian and Makarov basins of the Arctic Ocean and mechanisms of delivering heat from the ocean interior to the upper ocean and sea ice. In addition to the opportunities for learning and professional training that are provided by a traditional onshore educational system, the student will have a unique chance to experience Arctic exploration aboard an icebreaker to acquire invaluable skills in oceanographic field work under harsh arctic conditions, and to gain a better understanding of modern methods of high-latitude observations and analysis, and to personally participate in the study of the fast-changing Arctic environment. Thus, a combination of field monitoring and physical measurements, experiments and physical models will be used to isolate processes, quantify interactions and environmental changes. To learn more about this project visit

The ideal candidate is a curious and driven person with strong communication and interpersonal skills. You should be motivated to work in a multi-disciplinary environment, with both field people and modelers. You should have a Masters level degree in a relevant area, e.g., Oceanography, Atmospheric and/or Earth Sciences, Mathematics, or
Physics. Programming skills are an important asset. You will need strong written and spoken English communication and should have experience in scientific writing.

The next step will be to apply to the PhD program of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences in the College of Natural Science and Mathematics of the University of Alaska Fairbanks (<>). Application details are listed here: <>. Please make a reference to this project in your application. We intend to fill this position with a start date of January 1st, 2021 so the student can take part in the summer (August-September) 2021 NABOS cruise. Contact Igor Polyakov ( to discuss this opportunity or if you have any issue with your application.

Selection process: Reviews of applications will commence on September 1st, 2020. You will be notified you whether we will interview by Skype. Position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.



via GODAE alumni
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