Principal Researcher position at the Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research (KOCHI), Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research (X-star) – deadline 16 Nov 2020

Job Opportunity: FY2021 Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research (KOCHI), Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research (X-star)

Recruitment of Principal Researcher (EKS20-005), JAMSTEC, Japan

Apply by November 16, 2020


at 13:00 in Japan Time (The application documents must arrive at JAMSTEC by this date.)

The Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research (KOCHI, Director: Tsuyoshi Ishikawa), Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research (X-star) is accepting applications for a permanent position as a Principal Researcher.


[Research Description]

KOCHI, X-star aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of the physical and chemical properties of seismogenic zones and the processes by which earthquakes are generated. The current project will involve experiments with geological materials and analyses of samples and logged data obtained through scientific drilling at subduction zones where large earthquakes occur. In this context, we are recruiting a Principal Researcher to conduct research and development to elucidate the physicochemical properties of earthquake faults based on high-pressure/temperature laboratory experimental technologies, and to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of earthquake phenomena from various perspectives. The successful applicant will also engage in related activities at an international level.


[Relevant Research Fields]

Rock mechanics, Drilling earth science, Geology


For full details of this opportunity, and to apply,



If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the Human Resources Section, Human Resources Department of JAMSTEC;



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