A Roadmap for the Implementation of the Global Ocean Observing System 2030 Strategy

GOOS has launched a Roadmap for the Implementation of the Global Ocean Observing System 2030 Strategy.

Under the 2030 Strategy, eleven Strategic Objectives provide guidance on priorities for the development of a more user-focused and integrated system. GOOS cannot accomplish all of these objectives itself, and this Roadmap is designed to provide a framework within which nations, partners and sponsors can envision actions towards achieving the strategy. It is a working document and intended to initiate a dialogue with partners across the observing system enterprise on how we can work together towards achieving this vision.
The Roadmap adds substance to the eleven Strategic Objectives of the 2030 Strategy, laying out the issues, implementation ideas, and highlighting how they will act together to guide development of an integrated system. Some of the Strategic Objectives encompass core GOOS programme activities, others will likely be led by partner organizations—achieving the strategy will require cooperation, coordination and the commitment of many organizations and entities beyond the core of GOOS. It will also require a new system of governance.

This document, and the actions it generates, will depend on your input. We strongly encourage you to provide feedback.

Download the Roadmap »


via GOOS
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