Position of Assistant Professor or higher in Marine Ecology and Conservation – 29 August 2021

The Institute of Marine Ecology and Conservation at National Sun Yat-sen University,  Taiwan invites applications for a full-time assistant professor or higher position.  Applicants with expertise in marine ecology and biological conservation are especially  encouraged to apply.

The successful candidate will be required to develop externally funded research  programs and offer excellent teaching completely in English or in English and Chinese  for introductory, upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses. The candidate must  be able to teach at least two of the following courses: Marine Ecology, Marine  Conservation, Management and Mitigation of Marine Ecosystems, and Sustainability  of Marine Resources, as well as the applicant’s area of expertise. Service to the  department and university is also expected, including graduate student recruitment,  student mentoring, university committee membership, campus administration,  environmental education outreach, and international exchange teaching and research  program organization and management.

Applicants are expected to have a Ph.D. degree in marine ecology and conservation or  a related field. Post-doctoral experience is highly desirable. Publication of at least  three papers in SCI journals in the related research field is required. A single file for  the electronic application should include a cover letter, CV, statements of teaching and  research interests, a copy of diploma of doctoral degree and transcripts of master’s and  doctoral degrees, a publication list and one representative paper within the past five  years, three recommendation letters, courses planned to offer, and a future research plan.

The file should be sent to Dr. Meng-Hsien Chen at mhchen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw and  Ms. Chiao Ting at maecaa@mail.nsysu.edu.tw

You can find out more here.


via NYU
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