Postdoctoral Fellowship Position in Lidar Applications to Ocean Color, LOG – Deadline 01 November 2021

A two-year postdoctoral position is jointly proposed by the Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences LOG (Wimereux, France) and the Takuvik International Research Laboratory (Université Laval and CNRS, Canada) on the simulation of the lidar signal in the ocean. The position is jointly funded by Université du Littoral-Côte d’Opale and the Institut France-Québec Maritime.


Recent studies showed the feasibility to study the ocean using space-borne lidars. However no dedicated space-borne oceanic profiling lidar exists or is in plan to be launched in the near-future. For the preparation of such a space mission it is necessary to characterize the propagation of the lidar signal through the atmosphere and the ocean. Only few studies on this topic have been published in recent years. Monte-Carlo simulations are used to study the interaction of the lidar signal with the marine particles from space. These studies are preliminary and require to include more contributions from diverse optically-active marine constituents. This will help studying the impact of the constituents on the shape and magnitude of the lidar signal over the water column and to characterize the specifications of a space-borne oceanic profiling lidar.

The successful candidate will use published lidar simulators to enhance their capabilities. Sensitivity studies will be performed on the lidar signal and magnitude depending of the concentrations of the optically-active constituents or depending of the specifications of a space-borne oceanic profiling lidar. The candidate will study the vertical depth reached by a space-borne lidar, and will include the inelastic scattering (fluorescence, Raman, Brillouin) and explore multispectral detection. Applications from drones may be examined as well.

These studies will help defining possible future space-borne oceanic profiling lidars.

Qualifications: PhD degree in optics or remote sensing. Expertise in lidar would be ideal but is not mandatory.

Technical skills required: Optics, programming (matlab, python, C), remote sensing, onte-Carlo simulation, radiative transfer

Application closure date: November 1, 2021

Start date: January 1st 2022

Position Length: two years with a one-year mandatory period at LOG in 2022 and a one-year mandatory period at Takuvik in 2023.

Salary: 2500€ gross monthly for the period at LOG; CAD$ for the period at Takuvik

Location: The candidate will spend one year in 2022 at LOG and then one year at Takuvik in 2023. LOG, 32 avenue Foch, 62930 Wimereux, France ; Takuvik

Applicants must submit:

  • A detailed CV, including the e-mail and phone number for three references
  • A short cover letter explaining the applicant’s experience related to the position and motivation

For question and application’s submission, please contact:

Cédric Jamet:
Marcel Babin:

via ICCG
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