Ocean Practices: OBPS Workshop VI – 5 – 19 October, 2022

The OBPS Workshop engages the ocean research and applications community in the creation and use of best practices. It draws on the experience of OBPS user groups and stakeholders, provides a place to share this experience, and an opportunity to provide feedback on how the system should evolve to better fulfill the community vision, mission, and needs. The workshop will produce a set of documents on community-specific and general recommendations for community service, OBPS development, and for expanded community engagement.

The program consists of a first Plenary on 5 October to provide background and kick off the Theme Sessions (the Plenaries are broadcast  live in two separate Time Zones to allow for global participation). The self-organized Theme Sessions meet at their own schedule during the span of 6-16 October as determined by the Theme Session leads and participants. The second Plenary on 19 October will focus on a workshop-provided summary of the Theme Sessions and their recommendations. These recommendations will be integrated into a multi-year plan. The Community Discussion will cover synthesized Theme Session recommendations, interventions, and answers to questions.  Register for the event here.

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