The Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station at Oregon State University
invites applications for a Research Associate (Post-Doc) in Functional
Genomics applied to salmon behavior. Candidate will conduct genome
wide association studies to resolve functional mechanisms underpinning
fitness differences between hatchery and wild salmon, recommend strategies
to overcome for those differences, and use their research innovations
and findings to attend overall goals of maximizing Oregon’s fishery
and conservation objectives. Strong collaborative skills working with
OSU and agency colleagues (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, NOAA
Northwest Fisheries Science Center, and USFWS Abernathy Fish Technology
Center) are expected. Initial responsibilities will be to use total
lifetime fitness estimates and concordant genome wide analysis of a
previously established coho salmon genetic pedigree to determine if
fitness differences between hatchery and wild salmon can be explained
by inference on additive and/or non-additive effects of mate choice.
This coho salmon pedigree involves fish of known hatchery and or wild
ancestry that spawned in a natural context in Calapooya Creek, Oregon
with previous studies including Theriault et al (2011) Molecular Ecology
20(9):1860-9 and Whitcomb et al 2014 CJFAS 71(7):1000-1009.
To apply go to
Applicant Closing date: June 27th, 2016
Michael Banks
“Banks, Michael” <>