Open Position: Junior Professorship in Process-oriented Theoretical Oceanography – Deadline 24 November 2024

Kiel University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel aim to attract more qualified women to professorships.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Kiel University, Germany, and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel jointly invite applications for a Junior Professorship (W 1) in Process-oriented Theoretical Oceanography, with temporary civil service status for an initial period of four years (first phase) to start at the earliest possible time.

The Professorship is located at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the research unit “Ocean Dynamics” which is part of the research division “Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics”.

The Junior Professor is expected to initiate and lead excellent and internationally recognized research in the field of ocean dynamics, contribute to the theoretical understanding of the general ocean circulation and numerical simulations of the ocean and climate. We are looking for a candidate with research experience and interests in one or more of the following areas:

  • Theory of the large-scale ocean circulation and its variability
  • Surface and mixed layer processes and resulting atmosphere-ocean interactions; internalmixing driven by, e.g., small-scale eddies, internal gravity waves, tidal waves or bathymetric interactions, and their representation in ocean models
  • Processes associated with open ocean to coastal ocean transitions
  • Development and implementation of operational methods or marine data science, e.g., toguide ocean observations and as basis for digital twins of the ocean
  • Interdisciplinary use of ocean models in other disciplines of marine sciences, e.g., through dispersal studies or statistics of ocean and climate extremes.

The Junior Professor shall thematically and methodically enhance the existing capacity of the research unit, expressed by a research plan. We particularly expect interdisciplinary cooperation with other GEOMAR departments and within Kiel Marine Sciences. The professorship is associated with teaching in the Kiel Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programs in the field of oceanography and climate physics, which fit shall be outlined by a teaching concept.

The successful applicant should have a university degree in mathematics, natural sciences or engineering and a PhD in physical oceanography, climate sciences, physics, mathematics or marine data science and a publication record in physical oceanography or climate sciences. Experience in obtaining third party funding and teaching is an advantage.

Please refer to the recruitment requirements of § 64 of the Higher Education Act of the State of Schleswig-Holstein. After successful evaluation of the first phase of the junior professorship it is the aim to extend the temporary civil servant status for another period of two years (secondphase). More information can be found at here (in German).

For additional information about the position and the research unit please contact Prof. Dr. Arne Biastoch (

Kiel University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel are striving to increase the number of female scientists in research and teaching and therefore expressly encourages qualified women to apply. Women will be given priority if their aptitude, qualifications and professional performance are of equal value.

Kiel University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel are committed to the employment of people with disabilities: Applications from severely disabled persons and their equals will be given preferential treatment if they have the appropriate qualifications.

Applications with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications, list of courses taught, copies of academic certificates, third-party funding, research and teaching concept) along with your private and business address, telephone number and e-mail address should be sent (preferably in electronic form in a single pdf-file) to the following address by 24.11.2024 The Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Kiel University, 24098 Kiel, Germany, (

More information about this opportunity can be found here.

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