3rd International Workshop โ€œTrait-Based Approaches to Ocean Lifeโ€, 20 โ€“ 23 Aug. 2017, Bergen (Norway)

The trait-based approach to ocean life is emerging as a novel framework for understanding the complexity, structure, and dynamics of marine  ecosystems, but also their broader significance. Objectives of the workshop are to: assess and continue the development of trait-based approaches in different fields of ecology and marine science; facilitate cross-fertilisation of ideas and progress between marine, terrestrial and limnology-based researchers and students; use a novel, collaborative format to identify core emerging questions and issues relevant to the use of trait-based approaches; point out how these methods can be utilised to better understand marine ecosystem functioning and as a framework for marine ecosystem modelling.

Registration will open soon.

>> Workshop website
>> Contact ร˜yvind Fiksen

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