Southern Ocean Bio-optics Workshop: Reconciling bio-optics, photophysiology and floristics in the PACE era – 10 -14 November 2024

The Southern Ocean plays key roles in the ocean carbon cycle and is projected to encounter complex changes in the coming decades of the Anthropocene. Despite multiple decades of ocean colour observations, uncertainty in derived parameters for this oceanic province is large compared to other regions.

To make the most from the PACE mission, this workshop will bring together experts in bio-optics, ocean remote sensing, photophysiology, biogeochemical modelling, and atmospheric processes. Through plenary talks and breakout sessions, participants will formulate how to harmonise sampling to better link float and satellite observations, design photophysiology experiments to inform improved model parameterisations, and develop linkages across plankton, aerosols, clouds and ecosystems.

Read more and register your interest here.

Registration Fee: 150 USD (space is limited)

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