Post-Doctoral Position: The Social Appropriation Of Scientific Knowledge For The Management Of Marine And Coastal Socio-Ecosystems – Deadline 19 January 2025

The post-doctoral fellow will work at IFREMER’s Maritime Economics Unit,  part of the UMR AMURE-Centre de droit et d’économie de la mer, based in  Brest on the premises of the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer  (IUEM). Maritime Economics Unit is part of UMR AMURE, a social science laboratory specializing in  marine socio-ecosystems, and a member of the European University  Institute of the SEA (IUEM)

Future-OBS is a 6-year project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR)  and coordinated by Sorbonne University, which aims to create the next  generation of augmented observatories for coastal socio-ecosystems. The  fundamental aim of FUTURE-OBS is to propose strategies for multi-scale,  multi-disciplinary observations of socio-ecosystems. This  trans-disciplinary work will BE carried out in identified high-stake  areas such as maritime façades exposed to multiple pressures (English  Channel and north-western Mediterranean), marine protected areas and  aquaculture zones, which will serve as demonstrators and study sites.  The ambition of FUTURE-OBS is to rely on a strong co-construction  approach that associates scientists from distinct fields such as  oceanography, ecology or economic and social sciences with operational  players such as managers, public and private stakeholders, and  decision-makers.

General areas of responsibility

This post-doctorate will  contribute to WP6 of the project, dedicated to the co-construction of  observation and the appropriation of new methods and their results by  stakeholders. As part of WP6, an online questionnaire on observation  practices and needs is underway, and workshops with stakeholders from  France’s 3 major maritime façades were organized in 2024 and will BE  repeated in 2025. In addition, training sessions for end-users are  offered throughout the project. Workshops and training sessions can give  rise to various types of complementary analysis of the appropriation  process (observation, questionnaire). The post-doctorate will therefore  BE able to build on these project achievements, and conduct a  complementary series of interviews with actors and users of marine and  coastal socio-ecosystem observation. The central objective of the  post-doctorate will BE to propose and deploy a research device that will  enable analysis of the social processes involved in implementing  Future-OBS. The successful candidate will thus play a key role in  developing the project’s socio-ecosystemic approach and its  participatory dimension.

Principal activities

The post-doctoral fellow’s tasks will BE to:

  • Identify conceptual frameworks for analyzing the social appropriation  of socio-ecosystem observation, and assess their relevance;
  • Carry  out a critical review of the literature, based on an original evaluation  grid to BE constructed, which will include a series of criteria likely  to influence social appropriation, including the perimeter of  observatories, the type of resilience problems they are intended to  address, observation systems and operability, data provided and data  processing methods ;
  • Develop a research protocol to analyze the  process of innovation appropriation during the Future-OBS process,  including its stakeholder interaction dimension;
  • Collaborate with a large team of colleagues working in an interdisciplinary research environment;
  • Publish research in high-quality, peer-reviewed journals, in collaboration with project team members.

Collaborative work environment :

  • Internal :

Position  based within Ifremer’s Maritime Economics Unit, itself part of UMR  AMURE (, a social science laboratory  specializing in marine socio-ecosystems, and a member of the European  University Institute of the SEA (IUEM), which will enable numerous  interactions with researchers from these structures specializing in  sustainability sciences and support for maritime public policies.

  • External :

The  post-doc will have the opportunity to work in close interaction with  other scientists involved in observation and its use, in particular the  leaders of the Future-Obs WPs and Gaëlle Amice, project manager for  Sorbonne Université.

PhD in social sciences applied to science and technology studies,  environmental issues or participatory sciences, including sociology,  human ecology, philosophy, epistemology and other disciplines relevant  to the position
– PhD obtained 3 years ago maximum
– Experience of working in interdisciplinary teams involving environmental and social scientists

Required knowledge, skills and characteristics

Knowledge, skills and abilities
– Experience in socio-ecosystems research
– Experience in writing A-level academic articles

Human qualities
– A taste for teamwork
– Leadership and communication skills

The Institute

A pioneer in ocean science, IFREMER’s  cutting-edge research is grounded in sustainable development and open  science. Our vision is to advance science, expertise and innovation to:

  • Protect and restore the ocean
  • Sustainably use marine resources to benefit society
  • Create and share ocean data, information & knowledge.

With  more than 1,500 personnel spread along the French coastline in more  than 20 sites, the Institute explores the 3 great oceans : the Indian,  Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A leader in ocean science, IFREMER is  managing the French Oceanographic Fleet and its dedicated scientists  create ground-breaking technology to push the boundaries of ocean  exploration and knowledge, from the abyss to the atmosphere-ocean  interface.

Well-established in the international scientific  community, our scientists, engineers and technicians are committed to  advance knowledge about our planet’s last unexplored frontiers. They  provide the science we need for informed decision-making and public  policy and they transfer this knowledge and technology to businesses to  fulfill public and private needs. Core to our mission is also to  strengthen public awareness about the importance of understanding the  ocean and its resources, and empowering future generations of leaders  through education and outreach national campaigns.

Find out more information about this opportunity here.

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