PhD studentship

PhD studentship

Tracking the impact of Holocene environmental change in Patagonia on the distribution, dispersion and population dynamics of sea lions and fur seals using ancient DNA.

Department of
Biosciences, Durham University, UK

This project will involve ancient DNA and next generation sequencing to
investigate the impact of Holocene climate and environmental change on
the population dynamics and connectivity of two pinniped species along
the coast of Patagonia in Argentina. Although the distributions of
these species overlap, they have different resource requirements and
life histories. Hypotheses on the impact of environmental change on
each species in the context of their life histories will be tested by
the student using genetic analyses and coalescent modelling. Funding
will be through the Durham Doctoral Scholarship program, and is open
to applicants of all nationalities. A detailed flyer describing the
project is available on request.

Application materials should include a c.v., academic records and
at least two letters of reference sent to .
Deadlines are 20 January 2017 for project 1 and 5 January 2017 for
project 2. Please contact Rus Hoelzel at the same email address with
any questions about either project.


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