training course on Oceanographic Data Management in Portuguese (Fundamentos da Gestão de Dados Oceanográficos)

Dear colleagues,

 Applications for the training course on Oceanographic Data Management (Fundamentos da Gestão de Dados Oceanográficos) is now open at: z99zu4b1omjh20/

 The training will be hosted by the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, Mozambique and will be in Portuguese.

 Details of the course are available at: option=com_oe&task= viewEventRecord&eventID=1944


Deadline for applications is 30 November 2016.

Best regards,

Mika Odido.

 Mika Odido

IOC Coordinator in Africa
IOC Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States
UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa
UN Gigiri Complex Block C
P.O. Box 30592-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
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