the programme is aimed primarily at developing country professionals aged 25-45 with at least one degree, relevant experience, strong English language skills and a desire to step outside their own field of work and explore interdisciplinary issues around coastal and ocean management. Further information can be found on our website and I would also be pleased to answer questions from potential applicants. The official application deadline is 1st January, but there is usually some flexibility when required, particularly for self-funded candidates.
More info at the Training section of our website (
Madeleine Coffen-Smout
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Madeleine Coffen-Smout
Programme Officer
International Ocean Institute
Dalhousie University
6414 Coburg Road
P.O. Box 15000
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2
Tel: 1 902 494 6918
Fax: 1 902 494 1334