Research Assistant in the Conservation Genetics of Marine and Freshwater Fishes

The O’Malley lab at Oregon State University is looking to hire a
highly motivated Research Assistant. The individual will perform
research and train students in in the application of both genetic and
genomic approaches to address questions related to the ecological and
population genetics of marine and freshwater fishes. We are looking
for an enthusiastic and responsible individual to join our team. This
will be a full time position. Primary responsibilities include: 1)
Providing leadership in research, 2) maintaining an efficient
laboratory 3) archiving tissue samples and associated phenotypic data
4) training students and visiting scholars in molecular research
techniques and 4) serving as the primary liaison to Oregon State
University’s Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing.

For additional details and how to apply:

For questions, please contact Dr. Kathleen O’Malley

Kathleen O’Malley, Associate Professor

Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center

Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station

2030 SE Marine Science Drive, Newport, Oregon 97365

ph: (541) 961-3311 fax: (541) 867-0345

“O Malley, Kathleen Gallen” <>

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