Call for Submissions: 2018 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference

The 2018 GoMOSES theme, ?Response, Restoration, and Resiliency in the Gulf,? continues the discussion of how fundamental science can help restore and maintain Gulf ecosystem integrity, inform response strategies, and strengthen resilience. The conference is soliciting abstracts that promote fundamental Gulf ecosystem science or link scientific results to ecosystem resilience, oil spill response, or restoration and management. Research on benthic ecosystems, such as deep-sea and mesophotic coral reefs, is of particular interest. The deadline to submit an abstract is September 10, 2017.
The conference is also seeking session organizers to help shape the conference program by reviewing and selecting abstracts for oral presentations, and moderating sessions at the conference. Volunteers may come from a variety of backgrounds (academic, industry, government agency, or non-profit organization). Conference planners strongly encourage early-career scientists to apply. Submissions for session organizers will be accepted through June 30, 2017.
Source: CoraList
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