Scientist – Assessment and Advice of Pelagic Fish Stocks

About the position

The stocks of tuna, mackerel, blue whiting, Norwegian spring-spawning herring, North Sea herring and capelin are commercially very valuable resources in the North East Atlantic. These stocks are schooling pelagically (in open waters), migrates throughout the year, tend to interact with each other and compete for food resources, and they are harvested in different economic zones. Their distributions and migrations change with variations in stock size, age structure and climate, which is challenging for the stock assessment, advice and management.

In Research Group Pelagic Fish at the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen there is need for a scientist focusing on quantitative assessment of pelagic fish stocks and management strategies. The scientist will also take part in general research, monitoring and advisory work, including participation in annual international working groups and fisheries negotiations. Participation in field and survey work as well as other travels are expected to be an integral part of the job execution.

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Source: Marine Biologist network

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