PostDoc Opportunity: Genomic patterns of population outbreak dynamics in Crown-of-Thorns Seastars on the Great Barrier Reef – DL 11 Sep 19

We are seeking expressions of interest for a post-doctoral position, funding to be acquired through an EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship (deadline 11 Sept. 2019)./
*Genomic patterns of population outbreak dynamics in Crown-of-Thorns Seastars on the Great Barrier Reef (Australia).*
Crown-of-Thorns Seastars (CoTS) are among the greatest threats to the  corals of the Great Barrier Reef. These coral predators follow a  boom-bust cycle and diminish live coral abundance in locations suffering  CoTS outbreaks. An Australian Research Council funded project will be  examining key hypotheses regarding the spatio-temporal dynamics of  outbreaking populations, drawing upon genomic and eDNA enabled tools and  methodologies.
We are seeking a highly motivated PostDoc with experience in theory  and/or modelling related to spatial population genetics or spread  dynamics of invasive species or pathogens. There may be opportunities to  participate in field collections dependant on interest and research  diving qualifications.
This project is an international collaboration between Cynthia Riginos  (University of Queensland, Australia), Sven Uthicke (Australian  Institute of Marine Sciences), and Gert W?rheide (Ludwig Maximilians  Universit?t M?nchen, Germany).
To be considered for the PostDoc you will have demonstrated experience  and track record in theory and/or modelling related to spatial population genetics or spread dynamics of invasive species or pathogens.  You are also willing to work with the project investigators to develop  an application for an EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship for a maximum of 36 months, to spend the first two years based at UQ (Brisbane) and the last year at LMU (Munich). The fellowship would legally be based at LMU Munich.
The prestigious Global fellowships are open to early career researchers from European member states and associated countries (see the following websites for eligibility and other information:
The 2019 call deadline is 11 September 2019 at 17:00h Brussels Time.
Expressions of interest should include a CV including 3 potential referees and pdfs of two publications or manuscripts demonstrating relevant research.
Please contact Cynthia Riginos (
<>and Gert W?rheide (
<>) for further details.
Review of expressions of interest will start immediately and continue until a suitable candidate is identified, who then will be invited to apply.
Prof. Dr. Gert W?rheide
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Paleontology & Geobiology
& GeoBio-CenterLMU
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t M?nchen, and
Director, Bavarian State Collections of Palaeontology and Geology
Richard-Wagner-Stra?e 10
80333 M?nchen
Phone: +49 (89) 2180-6718
Fax: +49 (89) 2180-6601
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