Ocean science communication March and June 2020

Hello, everyone! I’m excited to announce that I will be teaching a weeklong course on communicating ocean science and conservation topics to non-expert audience through Field School, a for-profit scientific research and environmental education company with a non-profit arm. There are currently two offerings available- March 20-25 and June 2-7.
Participants will live on board the R/V Garvin in Miami, Florida. We’ll explore South Florida’s marine environment including snorkeling in mangrove, seagrass, and coral reef habitats, we’ll participate in coral reef restoration efforts, and we’ll participate in ongoing shark research projects. We’ll also learn from local expert scientists and conservationists about these important topics.
In the classroom, we’ll discuss how to communicate them with lectures and activities including learning how to write about science and conservation for the public, how to write an effective press release about your research/how to help your institution write an effective press release, how to speak to journalists, how to use online communications tools like social media and blogs for professional science and conservation outreach, and how to develop an overall communications strategy.
This course is designed for scientists who want to get involved in public engagement, university or NGO PIOs, early career science journalists or those just starting to cover marine topics, or students interested in pursuing any of these careers!
Scholarships may be available depending on course registration numbers, feel free to inquire!
Please forward to interested colleagues, and please let me know if you have any questions!
For more information or to register, please see the link below:
*David Shiffman, Ph.D. *
Marine Conservation Biologist, Scientific and Environmental Consultant, and
Science Writer
Washington, DC
*e: *david.shiffman@gmail.com | *t: *@WhySharksMatter
*b: *Southern Fried Science Blog <http://www.southernfriedscience.com/> |
via Coral-list
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