Coral Bleaching RCN: call for Early Career Training Program applicants (for students at US institutions) – DL 15 Jan 20

Coral Bleaching RCN: call for Early Career Training Program applicants
Temperature stress is the single largest threat to coral reefs globally and is the focal topic of the newly established Coral Bleaching Research Coordination Network (RCN). The Coral Bleaching RCN Early Career Training Program is designed to give senior PhD students (i.e., post-candidacy) and early career researchers (i.e., post-docs) an opportunity to learn a new skill (e.g., laboratory or field method, data analysis tool, or other skill relevant to the study of coral bleaching) within the 2020 calendar year from a PI in a department or at an institution other than their own for a period of at least 28 consecutive days. By learning a new skill, it is expected that individuals selected to participate in this program will be better able to incorporate inter-disciplinary approaches into their research. We seek participation from researchers across a broad range of disciplines (i.e., biology, physiology, geology, ecology, biogeochemistry, physical oceanography, etc.) who are interested
in learning new approaches to apply to coral bleaching studies. Applicants must be post-candidacy PhD students or postdocs at a US institution and the proposed work/training must take place at a US institution or facility. Applicants need not be US citizens / permanent residents. We invite interested individuals to submit an application by 15 January, 2020 from which 4 awards will be offered to the top ranked applicants. Each award will be a flat amount of $2,000 USD to support their proposed learning experience. Award recipients must participate in an online information session and agree to submit post-award reports within 30 days after completing the training that outlines the experience and value of the exchange to the applicant.
Completed applications should be sent via email to Rob Toonen at no later than midnight HST 15 January, 2020 and award recipients will be notified by the end of March. Additional information and application forms are available at or by contacting Dr. Toonen directly.


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