Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System, Under the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) EC Grant agreement no: 633211, according to the following conditions:
1. Scientific area: Biological Sciences / Marine Biodiversity
2. Admission requirements:
– PhD in Biology, Aquatic Sciences or other relevant areas
– Experience with marine biodiversity observations/monitoring
– Excellent skills in English
Experience in working with biodiversity databases, including OBIS, biogeography, GIS mapping, and ecological modeling (marine) are factors of preference.
3. Work plan:
The candidate will be responsible for
– Preparation of documents on requirements for marine biodiversity observations.
– Organization of working groups and of the network of Marine Biodiversity Observations
Preparation of proposals for complement existing networks of ocean observation
The candidate will also be responsible for project reporting and writing of scientific manuscripts, as well as support other activities of the project and of the laboratory, if requested.
4. Legislation and official rules: Law nº. 40/2004, 18th August (Research Fellowship and Studentship Regulation); Regulations for Studentships and Fellowships of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. — 2015 and CIIMAR Grants Regulation.
5. Work place:
The work will be carried out at the Coastal Biodiversity Group of CIIMAR, with headquarters located in Novo EdifÃcio do Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Av. General Norton de Matos, s/n, Matosinhos, under the scientific supervision of Prof. Doutora Isabel Sousa Pinto. The candidate may need to be available for short stays in other countries.
6. Duration of the grant: Duration of six (6) months, starting January 2017, under the regime of exclusive dedication, eventually renewable according to legal terms.
7. Monthly maintenance stipend: The monthly maintenance allowance is €1495 (one thousand four hundred ninety-five Euros, Tax-Free), in agreement with the monthly maintenance stipend table of the grants directly attributed by FCT, I.P. within the country (http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores.phtml.en).
8. Selection methods:
Ranking of the candidates will be performed by CV evaluation according to:
– Working experience in the field defined (60%)
– Publications (40%)
An interview may be conducted to the top 3 candidates, if the jury finds it necessary. In this case, the interview will have a weight of 40% in the final classification.
9. Composition of the jury:
President of the jury: Prof. Doutora Isabel Sousa Pinto
Vogal: Doutora Isabel Azevedo
Vogal: Doutora Purificacion Veiga
10.Form of Advertising/notification of results
The final results of the evaluation will be published through a list sorting the candidates according to their attributed mark, on the CIIMAR website and by e-mail; in case of disagreement, the candidates have a 10-working day term in which to contest the decision, if he/she so wishes, as provided for in the Código do Procedimento Administrativo in a preliminary hearing setting. The jury reserves the right to not assign the grant depending on the quality of the applications.
11.Deadline for application and presentation of applications:
The competition is open from 28th of November until 13th December 2016. The applications must be formalized, compulsorily, by sending the following documents:
– Application letter (including the reference of the competition, as indicated in this announcement, contact e-mail address and phone number)
– Motivation letter
– Detailed Curriculum vitae
– Copy of the eligibility certificates
– Reference contact information of current and past supervisors
The applications must be sent by postal mail to EmÃlia Afonso, CIIMAR – Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Novo EdifÃcio do Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Av. General Norton de Matos s/n, 4450-208 Matosinhos, and simultaneously by e-mail to: EmÃlia Afonso (secretariado@ciimar.up.pt) and Isabel Sousa Pinto (ispinto@ciimar.up.pt). The applications that do not include all the elements previously indicated will not be considered.