The Society for Conservation Biology is happy to announce the call for abstracts for symposia, workshops, short courses, and knowledge caf?s, as well as poster, and oral and speed presentations for the 2017 International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2017).
Abstracts for Symposia, Short Courses, and Workshops will be accepted until 7 December 2016 at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time). Final selections will be made by 9 January 2017 and notifications will follow shortly thereafter.
Abstracts for Contributed Presentations (oral, speed and poster presentations) and Knowledge Caf?s (new this year!) will be accepted until 6 February 2017, at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time). Final selections will be made by 6 March 2017 and notifications will follow shortly thereafter.
Presenters in organized symposia (by invitation only) will be required to submit individual abstracts after the acceptance of the symposia (9 January 2017) and up until 6 February 2017.
Special attention will be given to abstracts which focus on drivers and/or solutions to current conservation challenges, and use inter-disciplinary approaches to addressing key questions in conservation science.
ICCB 2017 takes place 23 – 27 July 2017 in Cartagena, Colombia. The meeting theme Insights for sustaining life on Earth is a response to the current challenges faced by conservation science worldwide when defining a path for a better tomorrow for both biodiversity and people who depend upon it. Conservation science has a critical role to play in ensuring the success of this commitment by providing insights to inform local, national, and international efforts to make these aspirations an effective, just, and enduring reality.
Information on how to submit an abstract can be found on the congress website under Program & Special Events