We are seeking applications for a full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate at Oregon State University, working with Dr. Angelicque White. With funding from the Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology (SCOPE), we aim to use in situ and autonomous instrumentation to advance our understanding of the relationship between primary production and phytoplankton diversity. This work may include, but is not limited to: analysis of data from bio-optical profiling floats, holographic imaging, in situ imaging flow cytometry, remote sensing, and shipboard measurements of inherent and apparent optical properties. Areas of specialization may include biological oceanography, bio-optics, phytoplankton physiology, and ocean color remote sensing. Strong quantitative skills and programming ability necessary to work with large datasets are sought. This is a full time, 12-month position, with an initial funded period of 2 years based in Corvallis, Oregon. Candidate must have a Ph.D. degree in biological oceanography or a related discipline by the start date. For further information, questions regarding this position can be addressed to Dr. Angelicque White at awhite@coas.oregonstate.edu.