scientific employee (PhD-candidate) position GEOMAR

The Benthic Ecology research unit of GEOMAR’s research division Marine Ecology is offering a
scientific employee (PhD-candidate) position for a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), addressing
“The Impact of Invasion and Environmental Change upon the Microbiome of an Algal Holobiont and its consequences for the host”.

Deadline for applications: 31.12.2016.

For details see…/ar…/doktorandin-benthische-oekologie/

We are seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic biologist who is expected to investigate the functional and taxonomic composition
of microbiota associated with Gracilaria vermiculophylla, both in natural and artificial environments.
Essential work components are:
Field collection of seaweed hosts and associated microorganisms in different populations in Europe, North America and East Asia.
Culturing Gracilaria and microorganisms in common garden experiments.
Functional and taxonomic characterization of host-associated microorganisms through metagenomics and metabarcoding high throughput sequencing techniques.
Analysis of host-microbe interactions through chemical/biochemical analytical approaches.

We request a master’s degree or equivalent in microbiology, botany, marine biology, biological oceanography or a related subject and
methodological experience in important aspects of the future work area, documented by the master’s thesis and, if possible, publications
in international scientific journals. Basic knowledge in statistics is necessary, experience with high throughput sequencing data and working
in the (Linux) command line a plus.
This position includes field sampling. A driving licence and readiness to conduct occasional long-distance travels (Japan, China, Mexico, USA)
are therefore required. A good ability to speak and write English is indispensable.
The position is available for 36 months. The salary depends on qualification and could be up to the class 13 TVöD-Bund of the German tariff for public employees.
This is a part-time position according to 65 % of a full-time equivalent.

Dr. Florian Weinberger
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR)
Düsternbrooker Weg 20
D-24105 Kiel, Germany

Tel ++49-431-600-4516
Fax ++49-431-600-1671…/fweinberger/researchgroup-fweinberger

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