VACANCY: Technical Advisor – WCS Fiji

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is an international non-government organisation committed to working with communities, government and other partners, to protect Fiji’s

biodiversity and natural resources through sound management practices. The WCS Fiji Office is recruiting a Technical Advisor to support our work in the Vatu-i-Ra Seascape and other parts of Fiji. Position details are below.

Postgraduate degree in fisheries or coastal management. At least 5 years’ experience in environmental management. Strong scientific data analysis and reporting skills, with good
publication record (including scientific papers). Melanesia experience will be considered favourably. Ability to train, mentor and manage small teams.

Experience developing proposals, administering and reporting on grants. Must demonstrate strong verbal and written skills in English. Position for one year with the possibility of an extension. Please provide a cover letter addressing each of the criteria above, and curriculum vitae with references by email to or
by post to 11 Ma’afu Street, Suva.

Applications Close: Friday, 2 December 2016

Regards Sangeeta
Sangeeta Mangubhai, Ph.D.
Director, Fiji Country Program
Wildlife Conservation Society
11 Ma’afu Street
Tel: +679 3315174 | Fax: +679 3310178

Skype: sangeeta_mangubhai | Twitter: smangubhai
Websites: <>
“Taqomaki ni noda veikabula”

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