Two tenure-track researcher positions at the Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research (KOCHI) – Deadline 25 June 2021

The Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research (KOCHI) (Director: Tsuyoshi Ishikawa), Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research (X-star) is accepting applications for two tenure-track researchers (010_job_opportunity_JAMSTEC; 020_job_opportunity_JAMSTEC)

KOCHI pursues creative research and technology development for basic and integrated geosciences, using geological materials such as marine core samples. We are seeking full-time tenure-track researchers who will lead such investigations. The successful applicant can pursue his/her own research, which may lead to the creation of a future knowledge leap and disruptive innovation.

The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to one of the following research areas:

(1) Research on exploration of unseen deep and dark microbial ecosystems and the elucidation of their diversity and function

(2) Material-based research on life and earth sciences with interdisciplinary approaches using geochemistry, rock physical properties, or advanced technology development.

Required documents

a) CV. Valid email and home address must be provided.
*Please include contact information for two references.
*The person listed as a reference should be different from the person who wrote the letter of recommendation and should not be an employee or Visiting Researcher of JAMSTEC.
b) Summary of your research (1 page)
c) Research plan at JAMSTEC (1 page)
d) Publication (achievement) list including thesis titles
*Please list publications in refereed (peer-reviewed) journals separately from unrefereed publications.
*Include DOI codes if available.
e) List of competitive research funds awarded to the applicant
*If you have not been awarded any, include “none” in the list.
f) Two (or fewer) representative publications in PDF formats.
g) Two letters of recommendation from two senior research scientists (1 letter from each). The person providing the recommendation should email to JAMSTEC directly with a signed letter as an attached file in PDF format. Please include “KOCHI EKS21-002 and the applicant’s name” in the subject line. A letter of recommendation written by a JAMSTEC employee or a JAMSTEC visiting scientist will not be accepted.

The required documents must be sent by E-mail ( and should reach JAMSTEC on or before the closing date.
*All files must be converted to PDF format. E-mail attachments can be up to 25 MB. Please include “KOCHI EKS21-002” in the subject line.

Interview and appointment
Applicants will be selected based on submitted application material, followed by an interview.
*Web-based online interviews by Zoom are expected basically due to the influence of COVID-19 expansion.

More information here.

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